039. i beg to be drained

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ACT THREE, chapter thirty—nine :and i beg, i beg to be drainedfrom the pain i've soaked myself inso i can stay okayand more than okay for a while

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ACT THREE, chapter thirty—nine :
and i beg, i beg to be drained
from the pain i've soaked myself in
so i can stay okay
and more than okay for a while


It was Lilium S. Snape's birthday, and she wanted to hide from the world.

She could smell her father's obligatory birthday pancakes waiting downstairs. She could sense brightly wrapped gifts stacked on her desk. She could feel the morning sun burning in through the window. She didn't want to smell the breakfast. She didn't want to look at the gifts. She didn't want to even feel the sunshine. Fifteen was off to a bad start.

Her bedroom door opened after a singular brusque knock, earning a muffled groan.

Was it so much to be allowed to wallow in blessed peace?

"Come along, Lilium," said her father.

"I'm not going anywhere," the girl mumbled from underneath her blankets, curled into as tight a ball as she could manage.

"Oh really?" Severus drawled in that deep, slow way of his. "And only last week, I seem to recall you lamenting rather annoyingly about how dearly you wished to see your precious Harry Potter."

Lili threw her blankets from off her head, hair absolutely frizzed while she burst with questions, "What is it? What's happened? Is Harry okay?"

Severus was clad in rather Muggle—looking attire. He was dressed all in black from polished boots, to pleated trousers, to a tight shirt buttoned nearly to his chin. While he had given into pulling his hair back from his sallow face, she briefly marvelled at his ability to not sweat to death. Under her scrutinising gaze, her father's posture was stiff with tension, despite the indifference carved into his face.

"A Dementor attacked him near his relatives' home in Little Whinging, of all places." He sniffed terribly snobbishly (she didn't mind), "He has been expelled by the Ministry for underage magic."

"Expelled?" Lili repeated hoarsely, fumbling out of the bed, tripping over her quilt and sheets, "He was just defending himself! They can't do that!"

"Which is why... we are leaving."

Immediately, Lili was on her feet — looking wild in her barefeet and own pyjamas, "So, where is he now?"

Severus didn't answer when he blinked and left her doorway, which was disappointing but unsurprising. Casting a hasty (and rather embarrassing) Scourify on herself, she threw on the cleanest and closest clothes she could find, and then tripped over herself to get to the front door where her father was waiting, now adorned in a black trenchcoat.

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