007. i think your house is haunted

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ACT ONE, chapter seven :and i've been meaning to tell youi think your house is hauntedyour dad is always mad and that must be why

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ACT ONE, chapter seven :
and i've been meaning to tell you
i think your house is haunted
your dad is always mad and that must be why


Winter came on swiftly.

Lilium was willing to put up with shivering through every frigid breeze and landing on her arse 'cause of ice all because Yule was her favourite time of year.

Plus, it was a good distraction to the chaos all round her.

Snow fell heavy, dropping several feet, coating the castle turrets and blanketing the grounds. The ghosts sang carols and even the paintings seemed to get in on the spirit of the holiday. Hagrid put a massive tree in the Great Hall while great garlands stretched down bannisters and mistletoe hung round the walls. Decorated with sparkling icicles and hundreds of candles, the whole place smelled like holly and pine and all things Yuletide.

She'd spent every Yule here for her whole childhood, ever since she could remember. The Snape's never went home for the hols; there wasn't much point. Years ago, Hagrid said that a girl ought to make wishes for 'Christmas', for Saint Nick to deliver, and she hadn't realised he meant presents 'til two years later.

Sometimes, at night, if she could manage to break curfew — and she usually managed (the cunning trouble—maker that she was), she stood out in the snowy quad in her pyjamas, big boots, and a sweater, whispering up at the silvery moon:

"For Yule, I wish..."

At first, her wishes had been simple: a book about the Unforgivables, to meet Beedle the Bard (who was quite dead), tickets to see the Weird Sisters, a thaumatagoria plant for Snape (because it was so rare and he would be so impressed), and the occasional liquorice wand from Honeydukes (...she was still a kid, after all).

This year, she didn't have much to wish for. She liked her... friends, she liked her classes, and she still liked living at Hogwarts. All she could wish for was this:

To meet her mother.

And also for her father to not be evil.

Simple things, really.

This was also the first year she'd ever shared it with... friends, though.

Ronald had convinced them all to go onto the frozen lake to skate. Hermione was an expert; apparently, she and her dentist parents went skating every 'Christmas'. Potter and Lilium, for their part, fell on their arses more than once.

She was so (almost) happy, she didn't even feel the pain.

Then, when she was crossing the courtyard, the Weasley twins wrangled her into a snowball fight so she helped bewitch several snowballs to hit the back of Quirrell's turban. Of course this led to an all out war between the Weasley twins and the first year quartet. Lilium and Potter had been hurling snowballs side—by—side when she thought she saw Snape observing from the entrance; of course that was when George managed to hit her right in the eyes and when she managed to clear her vision, her father was gone.

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