013. the castle on the hill

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ACT ONE, chapter thirteen :and i miss the way you make me feel, it's realwhen we watched the sun setover the castle on the hill

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ACT ONE, chapter thirteen :
and i miss the way you make me feel, it's real
when we watched the sun set
over the castle on the hill


Diagon Alley was always busy this time of year.

It was to be expected, but Lili still absolutely hated being round all these people. The crowds suffocated her, the space shrunk, the world closed in. She kept one hand tightened on the edge of her father's cloak, hidden beneath the fabric, subtle in how she clung to him. She wasn't even sure he noticed. But if he did, he did not push her away.

The Snape's went about their business efficiently, as always. They stopped at the Apothecary which always smelt of a mixture of bad eggs and rotted cabbage, but Lili was more than used to it. Discounting the stench, they picked up a few necessary ingredients and sold a few others. The Snape's, after all, possessed a superior herb garden. They collected new robes at Madam Malkin's, and they were on their way to collect her textbooks at Flourish and Blotts when:


Lili. She liked the nickname — warm and bright. She'd never had a nickname before; no one her age had ever given her one. It contained a sense of belonging to it, like she fit with them, a piece to their puzzle. She had never felt like she had belonged anywhere or with anyone. But now, she belonged with the wild—haired girl running towards her.


Through the busy street, the two girls pushed and shoved through the crowds of people until they collided hard, wrapping their arms tightly round one another, laughing when they swayed left to right. Lili had bushy brown hair in her mouth and Hermione had accidentally been kicked in the shin, but neither of these things mattered. They just hugged each other close. Merlin, but she'd missed her.

"How are you—?!"

"—I can't believe we've come on the same day—!"

"—Most people come right before school, you know—,"

"—Is that Ronald, I mean Ron, over there—?"

"—You haven't seen Harry, have you? Apparently, he got lost in the Floo—,"

Finally, Snape arrived at their sides and looked particularly unhappy at Hermione's last statement, but he didn't say a word. Her friend turned respectfully (if a bit nervously) to her father.

"Good morning, Professor Snape."

Snape stared.

Lili rolled her eyes, grabbed Hermione's hand, and quickly guided her away, looking round the street all the while. Where'd the hell Harry had gone that had everyone so bloody upset? Being the Boy Who Lived, it wasn't a good idea for him to go round such places unattended. Merlin knew what could happen to him.

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