008. run then, child

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ACT ONE, chapter nine :i am here now, as you run from me stillrun then, childyou can't hide from me forever

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ACT ONE, chapter nine :
i am here now, as you run from me still
run then, child
you can't hide from me forever


By spring, Lilium had more or less settled back into routine.

The days were crisp, smelling like fresh apples and water lilies, and the castle itself seemed to shimmer in the golden sunlight, no longer dusted with snow. Classes started up again, and Snape was just as terrible as ever to the students who weren't Slytherins.

She was thrilled to have Hermione, and thus the complete quartet, back. When she was with them, she was not lonely or overly self—aware. She felt upheld by these people. They were all a bunch of misfits, and so she didn't feel odd or uncomfortable in their presence. But, then, when she was on her own, she felt lonely again like something inside of her had been carved out.

Lilium was scared that she was relying on them, and she wasn't so sure she wanted to change it.

The change of seasons meant the arrival of exams, and most often they gathered in the Great Hall to study... or whatever the hell it was Ronald was doing.

And of course Hermione was scolding him, "Look at you playing with your cards. Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon."

"I'm ready!" Ronald insisted in annoyance, obviously more interested in his pack of Chocolate Frog cards. "Ask me any question."

"All right." Hermione raised her chin, "What are the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?"

"...I forgot."

Lilium snickered, and Potter did too.

"And what, may I ask, do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exam?"

"Copy off you?" Ronald sneered, just to annoy her.

Hermione's entire face was the definition of intense: "No, you won't!"

Lilium huffed, chin on her fist, "Wouldn't matter even if you tried, Ronald. Professor McGonagall says we'll use special quills bewitched with an anti—cheating spell."

"That's insulting!" Ronald cried as Potter shared in his outrage, "It's as if they don't trust us!"

Lilium exchanged a glance with Hermione, tone painfully sarcastic, "I wonder why..."

Ronald stuck out his tongue at her before checking his card and huffing, "Dumbledore again!"

As he tossed the wizard card onto the table, Potter watched it spin with slowly widening eyes. He snatched the card, scanned it, and blurted, "I found him!"

He practically thrust the card at Ronald who curiously took a glance. The girls leaned in for a better look. Apparently, their famous Headmaster was mostly famous for defeating a dark wizard named Grindelwald back in 1945 (ages ago). It was interesting information she guessed, but all Lilium was getting out of it was that Albus Dumbledore was frigging ancient.

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