056. darkness in the distance

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—six :there's darkness in the distancefrom the way that i've been livin' but i know i can't resist it

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—six :
there's darkness in the distance
from the way that i've been livin'
but i know i can't resist it


Halfway out of the dungeons on a Thursday, Lili had another attack.

With one eye in the past and one in the present, her mind was forced to another place. The girl's legs turned useless beneath her and she collapsed hard against the nearest wall, slipping gracelessly to the floor. Allowed only to squeeze one eye shut, she pressed her palms painfully tight over ears to block out the voices invading her consciousness. But she wouldn't succeed.

"My Lord..." Bellatrix hunched low before the Dark Lord, wild curls round her face, voice too girlish and diminutive, "Please let me take Delphi back. Let me raise her, let me shape her."

The moment hung suspended, the silence ringing out in the dark chamber.

"No." The Dark Lord decided, stroking one long finger along his yew wand, lovingly, contemplatively, "Severus has pleased me... with how he's shaped her, and until such a time he displeases me, I shall keep the girl right where she is."

"But," she whined, "My Lord—,"

"You dare question me, Bellatrix?"

"No, my Lord, never—,"



The sixteen year old jumped at the sudden dreamy interrupting voice and then she jumped again when she saw a familiar girl with pale blonde hair and big eyes kneeling at her side.

"Lu..." Lili croaked and then forcibly cleared her throat, scrubbing both hands down her damp cheeks, "Luna?"

"That's me." Luna replied comfortingly, shifting a bit closer. "You don't seem quite right, Lili."

"I'm not sure I ever have been 'quite right'," she replied with a choked laugh.

Luna smiled lightly and then sat fully at her side, setting aside her folded edition of The Quibbler.

"I—," Lili tried to force the words before she was ready, strangling out, "Luna, I—,"

"It's all right, Lili, take your time."

Luna's reassurance was light and easy with comfort, and the girl happily opened her father's magazine, leaning further into Lili's space so they could both read the articles. It was a welcome distraction while Lili tried to catch her breath. And good Merlin and his ugly mother, was there a lot to distract her with.

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