043. a savage daughter

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—three :the mother made us a savage daughterwho never begs for forgiveness

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ACT THREE, chapter forty—three :
the mother made us a savage daughter
who never begs for forgiveness


By November, things had gone simply from bad to worse.

The weather was turning wretched, Lili's nightmares were getting more vivid, and poor Hedwig had been attacked on his way back from London. But at least there was Quidditch.

Good ole Quidditch.

For the past five years, Lili had only attended the matches for Harry's sake, and now for Ron's as well. Just... Ron wasn't doing so well, not at all. In fact, he was doing rather terribly as the team's new Keeper — which was stressful for everyone involved (Lili and Hermione included). And of course the Slytherins weren't exactly doing anything that helped matters with the cruel song of 'Weasley Is Our King' ringing in everyone's ears.

Gryffindor won, of course.

Being a girlfriend of a player had its privileges, and so as soon as the whistle was blown, Lili raced onto the pitch and threw her arms round Harry's shoulders right when she had a chance.

"You were amazing!"

Her boyfriend laughed and swung her round so her feet were off the earth, flicking mud in every which way. She gave him a celebratory peck on the lips, and basked in the radiance of his happy grin. At least Quidditch was good for something. She was so concentrated on Harry that she barely noticed Draco's taunts.

"Did you like my lyrics, Potter?"

Neither Harry nor Lili bothered to answer. Instead, they turned to the rest of the team, surrounded by the yelling and cheering and shouting in triumph, except for Ron of course. Looking obviously depressed, their poor redheaded friend slouched off to the changing rooms (and Lili swore she saw Hermione following to comfort him). She was so distracted with celebrating until she heard Draco shout:

"—But you like the Weasleys, don't you, Potter?" Oh no. Oh bloody no. "Spend holidays there and everything, don't you? Can't see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you've been dragged up by Muggles even the Weasleys' hovel smells okay—,"

George launched himself forward, and Harry barely managed to restrain him while Lili, Katie Bell, and Alicia Spinnet desperately tried to stop Fred from pouncing on Draco who was cackling (like an absolute ejit). Where were the f—cking adults when one needed them?!

"Or perhaps," Draco sneered while he backed away, "You can remember what your mother's house stank like, Potter, and Weasley's pigsty reminds you of it—,"

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