018. monsters in the dark

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ACT ONE, chapter eighteen :there are monsters in the darkthey're not gonna keep us apart

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ACT ONE, chapter eighteen :
there are monsters in the dark
they're not gonna keep us apart


"All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock in the evening. You will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions... I should tell you all this: unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely that the school will be closed."


Lili refused to leave Hermione alone.

As dawn broke over the castle, she made her way back to the Hospital Wing yet again. She paused in the doorway, just for a second, seeing Hermione look even more pale in the soft golden light of morning with her limbs frozen at an awkward angle. Drawing in a low breath, Lili was halfway to the cot when Madam Pomfrey stepped in the way with a small frown.

"Back again, Lilium?" The mediwitch shook her head sadly, "You know there's no point in breaking the rules just for the chance to talk to a Petrified person. Miss Granger won't hear a word you're saying."

"I know that, Madam Pomfrey." Lili shifted from foot to foot, tugging at her plaits as she was wont to do, "It's just, well, I thought I should be with her for a bit. She's my... my best friend, you see, and... even if she can't hear me, maybe she'll know she's not alone. I mean, it can't hurt... can it?"

There was genuine concern in that question, then. Being here wouldn't actually hurt Hermione, would it? Would talking to her somehow affect how she rested while Petrified? Logically, Lili knew she was being ridiculous, and yet...

Madam Pomfrey was a strict woman, but she was softer where Lili was concerned, and so she relented quicker than she might've for anyone else.

A glint of sympathy flickered in the mediwitch's eyes. "Very well then, Lilium."

With a quiet exhale, Lili sunk down onto the chair at Hermione's bedside. Absently, she picked up the circular mirror from the cot's nightstand, spinning it in pale hands over and over. She was still sitting with her best friend in a cot when Harry and Ron once again came rushing in, wide—eyed and stinking with sweat.

Lili cocked her head cautiously, "Where've you two been?"

Harry blurted, "Hagrid's been arrested."

Her eyes went huge, "What?"

"And Dumbledore's been forced aside," Ron continued quickly, "There are giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest. Also, we found my dad's car."

Ron looked a bit ill at that bit. Harry, for his part, looked wide—eyed and eager for her to believe. Lili made a face, leaned in close, and gave them each a sniff.

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