027. out my head

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—seven :i was out my head, i was out of controlthought i was living, but i wasn't

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—seven :
i was out my head, i was out of control
thought i was living, but i wasn't


Severus entered the Headmaster's office with a ready sigh, "What possibly could be so urgent, Albus, that it could not wait until the sun had risen? Are you aware that it's nearly two — in — the — morning?"

Albus blinked, looking shocked, as if anything could shock the all—knowing old codger, "Ah. For that, I apologise. Sometimes these things get away from me; I'm not sleeping half as well as I used to with Sirius Black now on the loose. I must confess that I'm surprised you are?"

Severus gritted his teeth. That was entirely besides the point. Through his teeth, he managed, "Just spit it out already, Albus. I'm tired and I'm not in the mood for games."

"Very well, my dear boy." Albus smiled, as if amused at having riled him up. The sadistic old b—stard. "In any case, I'm afraid I wanted to ask you for a favour. As you already know, tonight is the full moon."

Severus barely held in a groan, "Yes, and I personally delivered the Wolfsbane Potion on time to his office, on his very desk. Does Lupin — in all his furry glory — have a complaint?"

"Not a complaint, no; in fact, he expressed his gratitude for your assistance."

Fck Remus Lupin and fck Albus Dumbledore, too. Merlin, but Severus was tired. Sighing, he massaged his temples where a headache was pounding and he replied, "I merely brewed what you instructed me to at the beginning of the year. There is no need for any great thanks for that, I do not want them."

"Ah," here Albus smiled, almost devilishly, "But he was grateful for your help with his classes as well."

A beat. Then: "I — beg — your — pardon?"

"It seems it escaped my mind at the beginning of the year to ask you to sub in for Remus, the night after the full moon. He's quite poorly and he can hardly handle teaching so many classes after a night like that."

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't hired a bloody werewolf in the first place."

"Severus," Albus sighed heavily and leant back in his great chair, "You just said how tired you were, aren't you tired of having this conversation yet again?"

Severus pressed his lips until they turned thin and pale.

"So, I can assume you'll take over Remus' classes for the day?"

The moment lingered.

Then, Severus nodded sharply, just once. Fully exhausted, he asked, "Was there anything else?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that..." Albus hesitated, which was worrisome all on its own, "Severus, why don't you sit down?"

"No." He bit back, adding belatedly, "Thank you."

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