023. flesh amnesiac

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—three :you can't take it back, it's good as gonewell, flesh amnesiac, this is your song

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—three :
you can't take it back, it's good as gone
well, flesh amnesiac, this is your song


Lilium S. Snape walked into the Leaky Cauldron.

It was sprinkling outside, a foggy day in London, and raindrops clung to the black fabric of her long coat. She didn't look quite the same, darker than she'd been in weeks, returned with new scars and fresh wounds. She was smaller looking, both wise beyond her years and more childlike — traumatised into feeling like a helpless little girl again. Snape had left her here, secure in the knowledge that the Weasley's would keep her safe... but nothing could keep her safe now.

She would never feel safe anywhere and with anyone again.


The girl turned her head slightly to find none other than Harry Potter standing across from her in the small and shabby—looking pub. Her face was held carefully still, and when their eyes met, she did not smile but her eyes softened just a bit. Harry gaped at her like the sun after a year of rain, like an oasis in the middle of a desert. Under his gaze, Lili felt small and strange and out of place, and for the first time in a long time, she felt she did not belong near him.

"Hi, Harry."

The Potter boy stared at her in what seemed like total disbelief for a long moment, chest moving in rapid but silent breaths. He looked like he wanted to run to her, throw his arms round her, and hug her close, but somehow he knew... she didn't want to be touched. She couldn't stand to be touched, not when everything still hurt so much.

Quietly, he asked, "How—How are you?"

"Fine," she even smiled a little now, to really sell it.

"Right," he didn't believe her, but he didn't call her out on it. After a moment, he stepped closer, "I'm so... That is, I wanted to—,"


Hermione cut him off to throw her arms round her best friend, squeezing her tight. "Oh, I've been so worried, why haven't you written? Did something happen? Missus Weasley said Dumbledore assured her everything was under control, but—,"

"Oi!" Standing just behind with Scabbers in his hand, Ron cut in with a bemused smile, "Don't strangle her, 'Mione, she's only just got here."

"Hey—a, Ron," Lili managed once Hermione freed her.

"Hey, Lili." The redhead said brightly, "Nice summer?"

"Fine." She knew Harry was staring at the side of her face, "You?"

"The best!"

Lili felt Harry lingering, but she didn't dare to look.

Her friends had nice and normal summers, and Lili was glad. Hermione had been in France with her parents while the Weasleys were enjoying a free trip to Egypt as Mister Weasley won a raffle from The Daily Prophet. They had both been so far away, and now only Lili and Harry knew the terrible things that had happened.

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