030. someone who loves you wouldn't do this

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty :all of my pain and all your excusesi was a kid but i wasn't clueless(someone who loves you wouldn't do this)

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ACT TWO, chapter thirty :
all of my pain and all your excuses
i was a kid but i wasn't clueless
(someone who loves you wouldn't do this)


The Executioner was grinning at them through his black hood, sharpening his axe.

Feeling very ungracious, Lili flipped him off with both hands before scurrying after her friends as they strode through the courtyard and towards Hagrid's hut. Crows circled overhead, black wings overhead, lingering like death omens. Usually, the Snape girl was a major fan of a good murder of crows, but she was too depressed to enjoy even their presence.

For Lili, end of year exams went worse than they ever had.

It was the withdrawal; she knew that. It wasn't so bad at the start, not on the first day. She was tired and a bit twitchy, yea, and though her hands trembled, it was a simple enough thing to hide within the sleeves of her robes or blame her bad penmanship on her missing two fingers. That always managed to make people uncomfortable.

Still, manageable. She could do it.

Today, though, Lili felt terrible. Straight dreadful. She felt irritable and anxious and exhausted but terrified of sleeping, and she'd a constant thin sheen of sweat breaking on her neck. She suffered through endless nausea, having asked to be excused from the examination in the Great Hall three times to vomit in the loo.

Worse than any of that, though, it was the day of their favourite hippogriff's execution, and the quartet was not at all pleased.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak," Hermione voiced everyone's thoughts, wearing a deep frown. "It's too horrible."

"It just got worse," Harry groused.

Lili looked over his shoulder towards the large stores where Draco, along with Crabbe and Goyle, lurked with binoculars in hand, spying on Hagrid like a herd of creeps.

"Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?!"

From a distance, Lili could see their half—giant friend standing in the pumpkin patch, tossing dead ferrets to poor (soon—to—be—dead) Buckbeak. Hagrid wiped his eyes and sadly loped back into his hut.

"What did l say?" Draco was jeering happily, "Father said... l can keep the hippogriff's head. I'll donate it to the Gryffindors' room. This is going to be rich."

Hermione's eyes narrowed and she began marching down the hill with shoulders hitched high.

Uh oh.

This was going to be wild and potentially violent, and Lili was very excited.

When he spotted them, Draco crooned, "Ah, look who's here! Come to see the show?"

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