051. the only hoax i believe in

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—one :stood on the cliffside screaming, "give me a reason"your faithless love's the only hoax i believe in

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ACT THREE, chapter fifty—one :
stood on the cliffside
screaming, "give me a reason"
your faithless love's
the only hoax i believe in


1 july, 1996 — sixth year.

They didn't go back to Spinner's End.

With their hands on a Portkey (which was an actual key), Severus murmured 'Portus' and they were whisked away to a world of seagrass and warm sand and the sound of rolling white—capped waves. There was a safehouse, provided by Dumbledore, that would provide shelter for Lili and Harry and Severus for the summer. Her father didn't say where they were, exactly, as he seemed to think the less they knew, the better. Fair enough.

Still, Lili suspected perhaps somewhere in Cornwall.

Somewhere beyond a small hill of sand and drifting green grass, she knew was the ocean — from both smell and sound: the salt was heavy and the repetitive crash of waves roared in the air.

Levitating their trunks, her father led them silently down a sandy path until they came upon a small cottage which, but for a few metres of seagrass, would have been paddling in the ocean. They climbed the white wrap—around porch that squeaked pleasantly underfoot, and with a wave of his ebony wand, Severus led them into the cottage. Instantly, Lili caught her breath and she felt Harry jolt in surprise just behind her. A heady warmth had passed over them when they crossed the threshold, accompanied by a faint shimmer and brief buzzing; all signs that Lili recognised to be wards.

They were safe here.

The cottage was, in a word: charming.

This also meant that it was nothing like Spinner's End. While their home in Cokeworth was dark and derelict, this place seemed to be made entirely of light. The walls were made of whitewashed wood, and the floor was covered in a large green knit rug. To the right was a living room, to the left was the kitchen, and just ahead was a winding staircase leading to the second floor. Beyond the stairs, Lili thought she spotted a small office which she was sure would soon be converted into a potions lab for Severus.

Drifting from her father and boy— no, ex—boyfriend, Lili gave into the urge to explore.

The living room was not spacious but bright, due to the large window overlooking the beach. All the furniture was mismatched and everything looked comfortable. The fireplace was empty and dark at the moment, and from its size, Lili suspected it was not connected to the Floo Network. Good riddance, honestly. Bookshelves lined the walls, and Lili's fingers trailed along the endless trail of leather spines, and looked curiously at the small table laden with magazines about knitting patterns and cake recipes and the hottest gossip amongst the Wixen elite.

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