024. mind is restless

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—four :your mind is restless, they say you're getting betterbut you don't feel any better

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—four :
your mind is restless,
they say you're getting better
but you don't feel any better


Lili couldn't bloody dress herself.

Like a d—mn toddler.

The first day of classes, the Snape girl's friends were waiting in the common room, and the other girls weren't paying attention, and she couldn't get the bloody tie over her neck. Staring at her strange reflection, her shaking hands were on full display as they struggled to convince her brain she wasn't about to be strangled. It was just a tie. Not a rope. Just a bloody tie. And yet...

She couldn't do it.

She just couldn't.

Now feeling both terrified and furious, Lili bundled up the red and gold fabric, hurled it at her pillow, and stormed out of the dormitory with a swift billow of black robes. She hardly looked at her waiting friends when she emerged from the staircase, barely ate a bite in the Great Hall, and she was still feeling absolutely miserable when they finally marched towards their first period class:


As if Merlin didn't hate her enough.

"Miss Snape."

Halfway down the corridor, Lili flinched at the sudden attention and the entire quartet whirled to find none other Professor McGonagall frowning down at them. Her friends immediately straightened under their stern Head of House's attention, and Lili swallowed hard.

"During the morning feast, I saw that you were not in proper uniform." Trust McGonagall to notice the missing bloody tie. "Would you care to explain why that is the case?"

"N—No. I wouldn't care to at all, Professor," Lili managed.

Hermione shot her an appalled glance. Ron frowned deeply. Harry shifted slightly (protectively) closer.

"Hm. Though you may not wish to explain yourself today, Miss Snape, tomorrow you will ensure you wear the tie representing your House as does every other student at this school."

Lili sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth, sounding like some hissing serpent.

She couldn't do it. She couldn't. She just couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall, but I won't."

Her friends were horrified. McGonagall blinked in obvious surprise and she'd just opened her mouth to scold her when Snape suddenly appeared out of bloody nowhere — like usual. Everyone jumped at the sight of him, robes black and expression dark as if he'd been peeled out of the shadows themselves. Lili felt every muscle in her body tense in anticipation of a scolding of a lifetime. To disobey a professor, to say it right to their face...

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