065. i'll be dead before the day is done

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ACT FOUR, chapter sixty—five :seven devils all around youseven devils in your housesee, i was dead when i woke up this morningi'll be dead before the day is done

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ACT FOUR, chapter sixty—five :
seven devils all around you
seven devils in your house
see, i was dead when i woke up this morning
i'll be dead before the day is done


[trigger warnings — graphic depictions of violence + torture]

On the night of September 1st, Lili knew it was time to leave.

It was all planned out, every piece of it.

She and Severus had worked it out.

Despite his new position at Hogwarts, her father had taken the time to eavesdrop on the guard schedule, knowing every change and every weakness so he could get her through the mansion without interference. So, exactly at midnight — knowing the shift change between Travers and Wormtail was taking place, Lili met Severus by the stairwell where he would see her safe passage through the house. Then, she would escape through the grounds and reach the wards. And then, she would be free.

Everything was going according to plan.

All Disillusionment Charms were impossible within the wards, and so the Snape's had to hurry through the manor, ducking between doors and hugging close to the walls. His hand was warm and dry against her clammy one, and her fingers spasmodically clenched round his with each nervous beat of her wild heart. But this was a hidden action, and what everyone else could see was Lili's yew wand dug into Severus' back, as if she was holding the elder wizard hostage and forcing him to assist in an escape.

It was merely a precaution.

A necessity.

If they were seen, it was not worth sacrificing both of their positions at the Dark Lord's side.

"Stop," Severus whispered suddenly within Lili's mind, and her boots skidded across the rich carpet.

They were close, so d—mn close, they were on the ground floor and the door was nearly within reach. They instantly pressed back against the wall, wands in hand, not even daring to breathe. With her one black eye, Lili peered cautiously round the corner of the open doorway and paled instantly at the sight staring back at her.


Oh yes, it was her mother, and she had seen her — intentions of escape quite clear. But she hadn't seen Severus, no. So Lili could run, yes, but that would just mean a chase that would lead Bellatrix straight to Severus. So much for maintaining a position at the Dark Lord's side. No. There was only one way to handle this.

"Lilium," Severus seemed to sense this too, and he didn't like it while he hissed within her thoughts, "Lilium, don't you dare—!"

Lili stepped round the corner to face her mother head—on.

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