064. the same cruel fate

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ACT FOUR, chapter sixty—four :she'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fateso now i've gotta run, so i can undo this mistake

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ACT FOUR, chapter sixty—four :
she'd do what you taught her,
she'd meet the same cruel fate
so now i've gotta run,
so i can undo this mistake


Lili needed to find Severus. Now.

She was very nearly running through the winding halls of Malfoy Manor, heart up in her throat, very nearly choking her with every ragged breath. The vision was still playing out before her white eye, a flash of violent movement, the strike of a snake, the horrible squelch of fangs piercing flesh. It was making her sick. Severus. Her father. Oh Merlin. She had to find him, she had to make sure he was okay, she had to make sure he was safe—


Halfway down a corridor, the girl froze, bit back a curse, and very slowly turned back. It was Bellatrix standing in the doorway, a frightening smile on her mad and beautiful face.

"Do join us."

Lili swallowed back her instinctive refusal, and when she followed the summons, each step of her black boots matched the pounding drumbeat of her heart. She tentatively entered yet another of the many lavish sitting rooms within Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix was leaning against a bookcase and a man she didn't recognise sat in a lounge chair, swirling a tumbler of Goblin brandy in his hand. Her father was there too, holding a small glass of red wine, barely looking at her.

Finally finding him did not bring the expected relief.

This wasn't good; whatever this was, it wasn't good at all.

"Delphini," Bellatrix spoke first, motioning to the other unknown man, "I don't think you've yet had the pleasure of meeting Cyrus Greengrass."

Despite herself, Lili's face paled slightly, but she said nothing at all.

"You remember the Greengrass', don't you, my sweet?" Bellatrix cocked her curly head in a mockery of innocence, "To hear Cyrus tell it, you were great friends with his daughters, Daphne and Astoria, and now they're both gone — long since fled the Dark Lord's United Kingdom."

Cyrus Greengrass was glowering at her.

Behind her, Severus was an impassive force — his face so blank, it looked nearly bored.

Very quietly, Lili asked, "Is that so?"

"Yes." Bellatrix's plush lips curled up at the corners. "Did I mention the part where you were great friends with Daphne and Astoria?"

"You did." Lili replied grimly, face blank and cold. "What — exactly — are you accusing me of, Mummy?"

"Accusing you? Oh, hardly, Delphi. Wherever would you have gotten that idea? No, no, he was here — thanking you. After all, if his daughters were to flee the Dark Lord's call so readily, they were clearly not fit to be trained as a proper Death Eater... not as you are."

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