009. scared of me

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ACT ONE, chapter nine :why aren't you scared of me?why do you care for me?when we all fall asleep, where do we go?

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ACT ONE, chapter nine :
why aren't you scared of me?
why do you care for me?
when we all fall asleep, where do we go?


Lilium wasn't sure what to make of this.

Her fellow eleven year olds were playing games. Games. Like children or something.

She frowned at them, journal clutched tightly in her chest, feet pulled up onto the massive red sofa. The overstuffed cushions were nearly swallowing her small frame, and it was one of the most comfortable places to sit in the Gryffindor common room. She had sat here first, and for some reason, Potter had suggested that he and Ronald play their game over here. It was cleverly cruel, so now Lilium had to sit here, trying and failing to have some peace and quiet, while he and the Weasley shouted wildly over a game of Exploding Snap.


Both boys kept shooting her glances throughout the game, although with vastly contrasting expressions. Ronald was still a bit wary but Potter was... what? She was usually so good at reading people and yet... there was nothing about his expression that made sense. His eyes were bright and encouraging, his lips pulled into a genuine smile, a curious tilt to his like he was beckoning her closer.

They were getting louder and louder, as if trying to catch her attention, and when she refused to dignify them with a response, they started pestering her even more.

"Don't you want to play, Lili?"

"You'd be good at this, Lili!"

"Come join us, Lili!"

"Fine!" She finally burst, "I'll play your stupid game!"

She hated that it felt like Potter had won, somehow.

All too pleased with himself, Potter smirked smugly while Ronald divided the deck into three separate piles. She dropped herself irritatedly onto the carpet beside them, legs folded beneath herself. She wasn't quite sure how to play (because Snape's didn't play stupid games), but the rules more or less made themselves clear the longer and longer the boys played. She had an odd urge to glance over her shoulder, make sure that her father couldn't catch her, make sure her father wasn't there.

(Good news: he wasn't.)

Together, the three players leaned in close and flipped their first cards over.

Cards with Cyclops, Giant Squids, Hebridean Blacks, and other such creatures that Hagrid had taught her about were displayed.

The rules seemed simple. When she saw two identical pictures, she had to hit the card with the top of her wand, and then one point was hers. At the end, the player with the most points would win. The main struggle was, the cards kept shuffling faster and faster. And yet as they continued, Lilium realised that she was surprisingly... good at this game? She didn't have the best instincts, and she was more clumsy than she should be, but for some reason, she was sort of amazing at this.

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