028. traumas, they surround me

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—eight :traumas, they surround mei wish you'd just love me back

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ACT TWO, chapter twenty—eight :
traumas, they surround me
i wish you'd just love me back


Footsteps in the snow led them onward.

Lili, Hermione, and Ron hurriedly followed an invisible Harry through a snowy Hogsmeade, past the missing posters of Sirius Black and holly wreaths and strings of enchanted candles hanging from tree branches. Finally, his footprints ended not far from the Shrieking Shack, at a large rock where her friend sat hidden.

Already, they could hear quiet sobs echoing in the frigid air.

Lili felt frozen, solid and sick and unable to move. Ron took Hermione's arm when she tried to go to him, discouraging her from going further, but she pulled free. Hermione filled the footprints with her own 'til she could kneel beside a rock and then very gently pull the cloak off Harry. And there he was. Harry stared into the mist, cheeks flushed red, eyes stinging with tears, nearly trembling with his emotions.

"He was their friend. And he betrayed them." He whipped round to shout hoarsely, "He was their friend!"

Ron and Hermione jumped, but Lili could only stare — tears frozen on her cheeks, a bag of sweets hanging limply from her shaking hand.

Harry's kind green eyes hardened and his white teeth bared, "I hope he finds me. Because when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm gonna kill him!"

Lili was hit with one terrible thought: her vision was coming true.


Lili regretted everything.

It was just one mistake after another. They never should've used Harry's cloak, they never should've sneaked into Hogsmeade, they never should've gone to The Three Broomsticks. Why had she let Harry convince her to leave Hogwarts? Why didn't she ask how he knew to sneak into Honeydukes? True, Lili regretted it now, but she wasn't about to let Harry just go off on his own, was she? Still...

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Harry was charging ahead of them, moving so fast that Lili literally had to run to keep up. Hermione and Ron were just behind, struggling even more than she was. A dark shadow was waiting for them at the Grand Entrance. Lili didn't notice it until she collided into Harry's back, gasping when she slipped and banged her shin rather painfully on the staircase.

There, lying in waiting for them, was Snape.

Mouth dry, throat tight, Lili tried to speak, but—

"Not — a — word," her father hissed furiously.

Face flushing, the Snape girl was unprepared for the look of utter disappointment in his dark eyes. Yanking the small bag from her hand, his cloak billowed when he spun round and, with a miserable glance, Lili and Harry had no choice but to follow. Maybe running away wasn't a bad idea... Heart pounding in her ears, unable to swallow past the lump in her throat, Lili followed the Potions Master downstairs through the dungeons and then into his office.

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