Chapter One

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I took a long drink of my coffee, flipping through the small stack of case files on my desk. I wasn’t sure why, but part of me felt uneasy. Though, I always felt uneasy on the job. Derek had asked me to help him overnight with the files he had to go through, and I stupidly agreed. We were almost done, and our day was about to start. When I made it to the last file, I was starting to wonder why I had become an Agent. I was unsure why Agent Morgan asked me to help him, considering Emily offered to help, but even though I complain about the amount of work, I appreciate getting treated like an actual member of the team. Dr. Reid and I are the youngest members on the BAU, but he gets treated like a kid much more than I do. I mean, he’s younger than me, but only by a few months. They call him Dr. Reid so people take him more seriously, but with the amount of knowledge he has, I don’t think it’s necessary. I finished my coffee and nervously looked around the room. Usually by the time I finished all my morning work, the uneasy feeling would go away, or at least settle down, but it didn't. It felt like it was getting worse.

“Hey Jasper, come here.” 

I looked up at Agent Morgan who was holding a case file.

“What’s up?” I asked.
“Take a look at this.” He said, dragging his finger to the picture clipped to the top. “We know who this is.”
We do? I don’t think I’ve seen him before.”
“He was the Gray Killer, remember? Your first case.”
“Oh right. That was barely a year ago, how did I forget that?”
“Probably all that coffee you’ve been drinking. Why don’t you drink some water?”
“Water won’t make me alert.”
“Yeah.” He replied, rolling his eyes. “Isn’t it weird that we just got the case file for this?”
“That is weird. Maybe they-”

The door to the room swung open and Agent Rossi ran down the stairs, handing me and Agent Morgan a newspaper. The headline read, “Two bodies found in their homes with X marks over their mouths.” I skimmed through it, it seemed to cover a case the BAU had been tracking for a while, maybe a couple years before I got here. As of right now, 4 blonde women, all in their early to mid 30’s had been found dead in their homes with X marks cut over their mouths. None of the bodies had any defensive wounds or other markings. It seemed that each victim had died by strangulation and the X’s had been added afterwards. Fortunately, the bodies weren’t dismembered or have any extremely gory parts. 

“As soon as the others get here, we’re heading to Indiana.” Jason demanded.
“They should be here by now. At least Emily and Reid, they’re always early.” Derek answered.
“Well they aren’t here yet. But when they get here, we leave.” He said, walking off to his desk.

I made sure he was out of earshot before turning to Agent Morgan.

“Does he seem grouchier to you?” I asked.
“Well it is barely 7 in the morning. He might just be tired.”
“Mm.” I replied.

After what felt like forever, Agent Hotchner, Emily, Spencer, and JJ walked into the room. JJ gave everyone the information we needed and rushed us out. On the plane ride over, everyone seemed tired or annoyed. Other than Spencer who was incredibly energetic. While everyone else was doing their own thing, or struggling to understand Spence, that was my nickname for him, he was giving me details about the previous crime scenes and his theories on it all.

“I can only guess that our Unsub’s mom, or maybe an ex, looks similar to all of the women he’s murdered. Considering that all of the women fit a strict profile, they’re all blonde and blue eyed and have a son.”
“I don’t remember reading that the women had a son.” I replied
“Not in the newspaper that Agent Rossi handed out, but the first two kills did so I can only assume that these do as well. That would also add a bit of explanation to my theory that he could be doing this because of his mom. He might be an only child.”

“I guess that makes sense. Do you think he might have been abused as a child? He might be targeting women who look like his mom because it’s the only way he can get revenge.”
“According to the husband of the first two victims, the wives were never violent, but the husbands were off at work for most of the day so something easily could have happened when the husbands were away at work.” Spencer replied.
“Were the last two victims married?” I asked.
“Yes.” He answered.

A silence drifted over where me and Spencer were sitting, so I decided what better thing to do than to ask random questions that had no significance.

“Spence, do you plan on getting married? Or having kids?” I asked, writing down what me and him talked about.

“Maybe getting married. I’m still relatively young but I don’t think I plan on having children. Do you think the husbands might have abused the children?” He replied.

He answered my question, but he still seemed rather avoidant of it. The change in his tone made me think he didn’t want to answer it at all.

“I don’t think so. If this is a personal killing it would make more sense for the women to be the abusers, no?” I questioned.
“Well the X marks over the mouths could symbolize silence. Maybe he was abused by his father and his mother kept quiet so he killed the mothers of the other families for keeping quiet.”
“Actually, I think that would make more sense. It’s smarter to look at this from every angle. Do you have any other ideas?”
“Not currently. Looking at the bodies in person would give me a better understanding of it, I might be able to give a few more ideas.”
“Good thing we’re headed to one of the scenes now.” I smiled.

We walked through the house and immediately the scene changed. The living room was neat, it didn’t seem anything had been messed with. But the hallway and kitchen were a disaster. The hallway had a broken vase and dirt spilt everywhere, there were wheel marks that indicated that a rolly chair or cart had been pushed through it. In the kitchen, the fridge door had been torn almost completely off, the pipes underneath the faucet had been busted open, and there were the same marks along the tiles.

“Hey Morgan,” I called, pointing to the marks.

He walked up and looked at the tiles.

“What is that- like a cart or something got pushed through here?”
“That’s what I’m guessing. But I don’t understand the reason for it. It wasn’t like he had taken any organs or from what it looked like, anything at all, so why would he need a cart?” I asked.
“There’s a chance he was using the cart to corner the victim. There were marks on her wrist that showed that she fought back.”
“He didn’t have as much control over her so he cornered her with a cart? I’m not even sure where the cart was, because from what I’ve seen there isn’t one around.” I questioned.
“He might have taken it with him. It’s speculated that he drives a truck of some kind, so he could have put it in the bed of the truck.” Spencer said.
“True. It said that the other victims didn’t have any defensive wounds, why did this one fight back?” I said.

“There’s shattered glass in the main bedroom, so he broke through the window to get to her. He might have had a connection with the other victims, but not with her.” Derek replied.
“I don’t think that’s the case. I think he had a connection with all victims. He might have knocked and tried to come in but she declined. There’s a small broken plant pot just outside the front door. I think he got angry and broke it and then broke in through her bedroom.” Spencer responded.
“Sometimes you guys make me feel stupid with the amount you guys talk about.” I said.
“You usually contribute a lot. Especially in crime scenes motivated by hate crimes or personal vendettas.” He said.
“Yeah. I think it’s just easier for him since he’s gay and was a victim of a personal vendetta.”

I shot my eyes at Derek. I was still tired, but the tone of the first half of his sentence made me uncomfortable.

“Wasn’t meaning it in a bad way man. None of us care that you're gay.” He assured, putting his hands up in defeat. “Just don’t date an unsub.”

The chapter was kinda long, my apologies.
Hope you enjoyed this!! These chapters are gonna be kinda random so look out for the next one.

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