Chapter Ten

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Garcia had nothing on Diana or Kaden, but everything she could find on Ashlyn. She had died a year ago, just after her 2nd divorce. Before she died, she was a doctor at a local health clinic in DC. 

“Did you say DC?”
“Yeah. Didn’t you grow up in DC?” Hotch asked.
“I grew up in LA.” 
“So they moved to DC. Unless Diana and her brother moved, that makes her even more of a possible suspect.”
“You know, you don’t seem too happy that we might have found your stalker.”
“Because I know her. If she doesn’t want to get found, she won’t. She used a bunch of aliases back in high school to get us stuff and she never had a fear of the law. Money was never a problem for them, so if it is her…”
“You're saying she’s not gonna be easy to find.”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 

Hotch checked his watch, tapping it excessively.

“We need to be back on the jet in 2 hours so everyone get all of your stuff, we’ll talk about this more on the plane.” Hotch said, speeding out of my room.

Everyone walked out of my room, except Rossi.

“You already packed or something?” I joked, putting all of my stuff into my suitcase.
“Yes actually, I am.”
“So you're gonna stand guard? How sweet of you.” 
“No, actually. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“My second wife and I had lots of fights before we got married and a lot of the time, I never forgave her. She was a great person, and a great wife, but we weren’t meant for each other.”
“Obviously, you had a third wife.” I laughed, zipping up my suitcase.
“What I’m saying is make sure you can commit before you leave someone heartbroken. Now, my ex-wife might not be heartbroken now, but she was after our divorce. And don’t let the little things get in the way.”

I smiled, rolling my eyes at him.

“You could’ve just said, “Jasper, don’t fuck it up with Reid just because of what he did.” you know.”
“I liked my way better.”
“Rossi, I don’t plan on messing this up. But Reid and I aren’t dating, so what was the point of this?”
“Not yet you're not.” He said, waving goodbye to me as he walked out of my room.

I giggled, thinking of what Spencer said. I know I overreacted, but it hurt, he could’ve been honest and I still would’ve gone. But he thought lying was better. I laid my head against the headboard as the door opened. I rested my hand on the holster of my gun as I turned my attention to the door.

“Don’t shoot.” Spencer said, holding his hands up in the air.
“Jesus Spencer, you scared me.” I said.
“What did you need?” I asked, moving my body to the side of my bed.
“Can we talk?”

I sucked my teeth. He really couldn’t get better with timing.

“What more is there to say? You asked me to fly to Vegas with you so you could see your mom and you went and saw a girl instead. We aren’t together, it doesn’t matter. Or is it about something else?”
“It was about that.”
“Well, if you're here for my forgiveness, you were forgiven the minute it happened. I have no right to be upset about it.” I said.
“But you do have the right to be upset. I knew you liked me and I used you to go see a girl because I knew you weren’t busy. That was wrong of me. But I never should’ve lied to you or used you for that.”
“You’re right, you shouldn't have, but like I said, we aren’t dating.”
“But we could be.”

I paused, furrowing my eyebrows. I leaned my head up to look at him and he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. His button up was folded up to his elbow, showing his muscles that I didn’t know he had. His long, messy hair fell into his eyes as he looked at me. I was surprised, he wasn’t exactly confrontational.

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