Chapter Twenty-three

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I passed out once again, I don’t understand how I was sleeping in this situation. When I woke up the laptop was in front of me again. I couldn’t see anything, but the camera was on, I couldn’t hear anything either. I shifted around in the chair, trying to shake my hands from the rope. After about 10 minutes of pulling, I quit trying. Whatever they drugged me with had made me drowsy, I was pushing it by moving around this much. I don’t know how long I had been passed out, the window had been covered up. I looked around the room to find a camera had been installed right above me. There was no way I was getting out of here. There had to be tire tracks at my other house, right? There has to be something. They always leave clues, why wasn’t I out of here yet? I swung my foot at the chair leg, knocking down the table.

I didn’t even realize my legs weren’t tied down anymore. When the table crashed down, the sound of the PA speaker, like in your school, was followed by a harsh "behave." It wasn't the guy who was in here with me, he had a completely different pitch and accent. Obviously, he could just have some kind of filter, but if they were so sure I wasn't getting out of here, they wouldn't care. He had a heavy New Orleans accent, and his voice was kind of deep. I had never heard it before, maybe the boss? I was gonna try and kick the laptop to me, but I used all of my energy, I was getting drowsy again. Another mist blew around my face and my eyes closed again. I woke up to a hard slap in the face. I opened my eyes to Morgan standing in front of me with the shed door wide open.

"Morgan?" I whispered, still trying to wake up.
"We gotta get out of here Jasper. I found a car but we have to go now."

I was about to ask him to untie me when I realized my hands were already untied. I looked around the room for a shirt but I was interrupted. We couldn't even make it out the door before one of the new women walked in. She had a syringe with a color that matched the bright purple of her hair. That definitely looked like ketamine. I was still drowsy, but I saw everything happen so clearly. Morgan pulled his gun, firing a bunch of bullets into the wall behind her before shooting one into her arm, knocking the syringe. He reached down for it, stabbing a bit of it into her arm before dragging me out with him.

"Derek," I mumbled, pressing the scars on my abs.
"My shirt and vest, and my gun and my badge. I need them." 
"You didn't have your badge or a vest on when we were taken."
"Yeah I did. I saw him take them." 
"You've got a minute. We have to get out of here." He replied.

I rummaged around the shed, trying to find at least something of mine. I looked over at the chests, grabbing the lock pick from the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something flash. I looked up at the camera. Shit.

"Morgan, the fucking camera."
"Goddammit." He mumbled, pulling it down from the wall.

I didn't think it was the smartest idea, especially since they already saw us, but I didn't argue. I got into the chests and opened the top one. Nothing. Then I moved it from the top, sitting it down and opening the second one. Nothing. I moved that on top of the first one and opened the last one.

"Yes!" I shrieked, grabbing my things from the chest.

When I grabbed them, there was a click and then, a bomb. With 5 seconds till it popped.

"Derek! Get out!" 

I picked up my legs running out as fast as I could. Morgan was ahead of me, already at the car he stole. I ran as quickly as I could to the car, ripping open the passenger seat door. I took a deep breath, pressing my hand against the scars again. I looked over at the shed, the top had blown completely off. I saw a dismembered arm fly through the air. Yikes. 

"Drive." I murmured, laying my head against the headrest.
"Already ahead of you pretty boy."

I chuckled at the nickname, resulting in a sharp pain over my abs. I grabbed my shirt and vest, sliding them slowly over my body. 

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