Chapter Thirty-nine

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We stood at the front door, waiting for Aaron to come pick us up. They were finishing up at a new address Garcia had given them. It was written under “Gabriella Jackson.” He pulled up after about 10 minutes and we climbed into the backseat of the SUV tossing our heads back against the seats.

“That hospital chair was so uncomfortable.” I groaned. 
“I thought the bed was pretty comfortable,” Spencer said. “I probably won’t be able to move without a little bit of pain though.”
I playfully rolled my eyes, putting my hand on his inner thigh.
“Hotch, what did you guys find at the new address?”

“It’s what we didn’t find,” He said. “There was no house. No building, nothing. It was a blank plot of land. We took the metal detectors and the other stuff that the other agents brought– Strauss found out somehow– and scanned the ground but there was just nothing.” 

“Did you get the address wrong?” Spencer asked.
“No, the sign posted outside of it was the exact address.”
“Did you guys get set up? Maybe someone in the group will find out what you guys were doing.” Spencer said.
“The only reason to send them to an empty area is if they had a bigger plan they needed to distract you for, which they probably did.”

“But what’s their bigger plan,” I asked. “They almost killed me and my boyfriend, what more could they need to do?”
“Finish the job,” Hotch answered. “Wait what did you say?”

I covered my mouth, trying my best to hold in my laugh. He was looking through the rearview mirror with a look I couldn’t place on his face.

“I said they almost killed me and my boyfriend, why?” I replied, looking over at Spencer who had a pink tint across his face.
“I thought that was what you said. So you guys are official?” Hotch asked, bringing his attention back to the road.
“We’ve been dating for a little under 8 months.” I answered.
“8 months? And you didn’t tell anybody?”
“I told Garcia, but I wanted to keep it under wraps for a bit.”
“Okay, who else knows now?”
“Just you, as of right now.” Spencer confirmed.

Hotch nodded silently, pulling into Hoover Building. We followed him up the elevator and into the conference room where our team was gathered. They were in the middle of a conversation about Spencer being shot. Rossi was gripping onto a new envelope.

“What is that?” I asked, pointing to the envelope.
“We haven’t opened it yet, it was on your desk. Here.” Rossi said, handing me it. 

I waited a moment to read it, letting everyone give Spencer a hug.

“I promised this shot would hurt you the most, however it’s not time for a toast. He missed all three of his shots, maybe you should check around both of your plots. You keep getting close, yet you keep missing not only the author, but the point of these notes,” I said. “‘He’ is obviously referring to Michael, right? He’s the one they released so he’s probably the one who shot at us. Did we ever figure out what gun the bullets belong to?”

“Yeah an SR-25, and another thing. The serial number matched the one that your ex-boyfriend Brant bought.”

“Do you think they found a way to charge it to his credit card since he maybe had military training and then used that gun so we would think it was him? Or do you think it was him?” I said. 

“I think he could’ve been involved, they could’ve used his mom’s recent death and his resentment against you to lure him in and then they had your dad use the gun so we would blame Brant.” Rossi replied.

“I’m still trying to figure out how my dad escaped. He was in a high security prison with guards at his side at all times, so are the rest of them. It just doesn't make any sense to me. According to the officer I spoke with, it seemed like he just walked out. But that doesn’t make any sense.”

“Well we know they have ties basically everywhere, maybe one of the guards was a part of their group?” JJ replied.

“I have connections to both of the guards that were placed outside of his cell. They’re both family friends. As far as I'm concerned, I never did anything to piss either of them off.”

“Maybe it wasn’t you, it was a family member. Who were they closest to?” Hotch asked.
“Both of them are close friends to my mom, George Lemmings was the closest to her.”
“Did they ever date?” Rossi asked.

“No, but he never came around if Michael was over. Apparently he missed the wedding too.”
“He could’ve had resentment for your mom, probably had feelings for her. He might have even helped with the kidnapping plot.” Spencer said.

“Even if he had feelings for her at some point, he never would’ve done that. I mean if there’s anything this case has proved it’s that I can’t trust really anyone, but George wouldn’t have done this.”

“What about the other guard?” Rossi asked.
“He always had it out for my dad, ever since highschool.”
“Why was that?” 

“They were brothers, but my dad always ignored his existence. He spent all of high school trying to get my dad to acknowledge him. He legally changed his last name when he turned 18 and cut all ties with us but about 5 years ago he got close with my mom.”

“Maybe this has been going on longer than we thought?” Emily said, gesturing to our board. “I mean this is a lot of action to have just thrown together in a year or two.”

“They planned for my uncle to befriend my mom and then try and then help get him out of prison?” I questioned, folding my arms over my chest.

“You said all he wanted for all of highschool was to get your dad to recognize him, right? Maybe your dad promised to rebuild what he didn’t have with him if he helped him.” Spencer answered.

“I mean, it’s plausible, but I feel like there is an easier answer to this. Both guards ended up dead after Michael’s escape, he couldn’t have done that on his own. Maybe he had someone from the group play as a guard to get inside?”

“Or he did it the legal way, let them get a job at the ward and then…” Rossi replied.
“So we should call and ask for recent employment records?”
“He’s not gonna use his real name but–”

The door to the round table room swung open and Strauss followed by 10 police officers were stood in the doorway with 8 arrests warrants, not that anyone was counting.

“You are all under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be presented to you.”

He finished reading us our rights, then we were all being escorted out with cuffs around our wrists.

“What are we being charged with?”
“All 8 of you are being charged with extortion and first degree murder, you each have other charges as well. Indiviually, I will explain.”
We're getting closer to the end!

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