Chapter Two

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We finished up at the crime scene and made our way to the police station to discuss what we knew.

“It seems that the last victim fought back. Markings around the wrist indicate that he might have had some type of tough material around her wrists like a rope or something his gloves were made of.” David informed.

“We know that he had a connection with all victims since there were no signs of a break in. However, in the last house the main bedroom window was broken and so was a pot on the front porch which shows that he could have been angry that she didn’t let him in, and broke in through the bedroom instead.” Agent Hotchner added.

“We’re looking for a male, roughly between the ages of 25-35. He seems to have a job that connects him to these women like a technician or something of the sort. We don’t think he would insert himself into this investigation as he doesn’t want to get found out and staying away is the best way to stay hidden. He also thinks he’s doing a service, so he sees himself as a vigilante. He might have committed a petty crime like stealing or something similar.” Agent Rossi said.

“He might act rude to anyone he comes across except for children. We also believe that he was abused by his father at a young age and it may not have been reported until his late teen years which is why he acts out against women. We also think that he is an only child and the abuse might have happened around the ages of 8-10.” Spencer said.

“If you know anyone fits this description or you come across anyone who fits this description, please tell us. Thank you.” Rossi finished.

We walked around discussing what our next step of action would be. Agents Hotchner and Morgan were asked to go over all crime scenes to see if they could find anything remotely linking the families or anything that might have DNA on it. Agent Prentiss and I were sent  to ask around the neighborhoods to see if anyone saw anything. Agent Rossi and Dr. Reid stayed back to check through any police files of people who fit the profile. As Emily drove to the first neighborhood, she kept looking at me weird, like she had a question.

“Are you okay Emily?” I asked.

Me and Emily had always been close, I knew her parents before I started working at the BAU and we were relatively close in age. I told her a lot of stuff, but I tried to avoid telling her things that I didn’t want to get out, she talked a lot. 

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She replied.
“You keep looking at me. Like you have a question or something.”
“Okay well- I’m not supposed to say anything.” She said.
“Then don’t tell me. Especially it came from another member of the BAU.”
“But it kinda- well not kinda- it involves you.”
“Don’t tell me. If the person wants me to know, they can tell me. Just focus on the road.”

She nodded, keeping her eyes on the road. She continued to look at me but I stopped her from telling me. As curious as I was, it didn’t seem like the person wanted me to know. We asked around the first neighborhood, knocking on houses and asking if they’d seen anyone who fit the profile. We got a couple names but we still had the three other neighborhoods to ask around.

When we finished, we had three common names. Robert Miller, Danny Carter, and Miles Roter. Robert was a handyman, he often helped the families of all the neighborhoods. Danny was unemployed, but he often helped the families with any issues with their doors, cabinets and the like. Finally, Miles was a technician. He fixed electrical wires and anything else that each family needed help with.

Emily drove back to the police station to tell Agent Rossi what we knew. When we walked in, Spencer had a minorly panicked look on his face as he looked at me and Emily. I didn’t think much of it, but I took note of it. 

“Hey Jasper?” David asked.
“Huh?” I replied.
“Can you call Garcia and have her run a background check on Miles Roter?” 

I called Garcia and she immediately replied. It was usual for her, but I almost forgot I called anyone.

“Hey honey, what am I doing?” She asked.
“Can you run a background check on someone for me?” I answered, ignoring her nickname.
“Oh boo. Obviously I can. Who?”
“Miles Roter.”
“Yep, got it. He had a couple years in a juvenile detention center for stealing a car, he was abused by his father who is now in jail, and I’m not seeing anything else.”
“What’s his address?”

She gave me the address and Emily, Spence, Rossi, and I headed for the house. We knocked and nobody answered. Agent Rossi peered through a window and Miles was shoving a ton of things into a bag.

“Reid, Jasper, back door.” He demanded.

Me and Dr. Reid ran for the back door, keeping our guns aimed at it. At some point, he charged through the back door and Reid and I tackled him.

“What the hell?” He spat.
“Reid, go through his bag.”
“Stay out of my stuff!” 
“Keep looking through it.”

I clicked the handcuffs around his wrists, pulling him up with me. Spencer glanced up at me and continued pulling stuff out of the bag.

“Jas,” He said, pulling a knife out of the bag.

I didn’t even realize the knife, my brain was focused on the nickname. Stop it Jasper, you have a job to do. I reminded myself.

“What are you doing with a knife Miles?” I asked.
“Leather gloves, a ski mask, and a knife? Are those all for protection? Cause I don’t think you need the first two.” I questioned.
“It’s for- I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
“4 knives, those can’t all be for protection.” Reid said.
“They are.”

Reid and I chuckled as his voice lowered. Dave, Emily, Hotchner, and Derek all came running to the back.

“Good job you two. What’d you find in the bag?” Emily asked.
“A ski mask, leather gloves, and 4 knives. All four knives look like they’ve been sharpened recently.” Reid answered. “Oh and this one is stained. Red.” 
“It’s ketchup.” He mumbled.
“You were cutting ketchup? I don’t think so.” 

They brought him to the police station for questioning, and he broke pretty quickly. On the plane ride back, everyone but Morgan and I had fallen asleep.

“Hey Jasper,” 
“You ever had a boyfriend?” Derek asked.
“I had two, both back in college.” I replied.
“You got out of College 2 years ago.” He said.
“No, I got out 4 years ago. I went at 16, the same year I graduated high school.” I reminded.

“So the dudes you dated were over 18?”
“Yeah, but so was I. I didn’t date until I was 19, I dated both of them in the same year.”
“Hm okay.” He said.
“Why?” I asked.
“Just curious.”

“Morgan, you’re never “just curious”, so what’s up?” I questioned.
“Nothing, nothing.” He smiled.
“Do you know what Emily knows? I told her not to tell me, but if you know the same thing now I gotta know.”
“Well I might. But I’m not saying nothing.”

“Hotch better not ask me a similar question. You could at least tell me who told you whatever it is that you know.”
“Morgan please.”
“Ask Reid about it.” He replied, putting his headphones on.

I groaned. Reid might break if I bother him about it, but I don’t want to. I guess I’ll have to wait until I get told. God I hate being impatient.

These posts are gonna be sporadic, eventually I'll have a schedule for this lol

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