Chapter Eleven

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I looked curiously at the call, was I going crazy? Mason, my first boyfriend who I thought was in jail, was calling me. I answered, hesitantly putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey Jasper, been a while."
"Yeah. Last I heard you were in jail for beating your wife."
"It was my husband, and we got in a fight. He hit me too."
"Yeah. So how've you been?"

"Oddly dismissive of the topic but okay. I've been good, my job's going well and I got my own place."
"Sweet. You're still an FBI agent, right?"
"What about your love life? Met anyone?"

I knew where this call was going, I knew what he was hoping for, but it wasn't gonna happen. This felt like the perfect opportunity to get him off my back, maybe even go as far as to say I was engaged, but I decided not to.

"Yeah, nothing serious, but yeah."
"What about that Agent you always talked about when you were at the academy? Ryan told me about him."
"Was Ryan your husband?" I asked, trying to deflect the question.
"He was, yeah."
"I guess things didn't work out?"
"Well I just wanted to call and check on you. Have a good day." He said, hanging up the phone.

I sighed, plugging my phone into the charger before walking into my kitchen to grab a glass of water. I was feeling the effects of my drinking yesterday. I heard my phone start ringing just as I placed the cup into the sink. I never really got that many calls, so two within an hour was weird. I was already on edge from Mason's call, who else could possibly be calling me right now? It was Spencer.

"Yeah Spence?"
"How fast can you meet us at the Bureau?"
"While obeying laws or not?"
"Whichever gets you here quicker."
"Got it. On my way."

Spencer didn't seem like he wanted to talk to me, ever since we left last night he hadn't been really talking. But I shook it off, hanging up the phone and changing into something more appropriate. I slid my keys off of my table beside my door and charged for my car, analyzing my surroundings as I sped off. I definitely ignored a few stop signs, but not many people were leaving their houses at 4:30 am on a Sunday morning. I bolted into the round table room where Hotch, Reid, and Garcia were standing.

"Guys, what's going on? Reid sounded like someone died." I said.
"Another letter, that's what."

"Aaron Hotchner, beloved agent with a bit too much love for his agents. Bet he'd agree when he reads this, right? It may not be romantic, but you gotta admit it's creepy. Mr. Watson, remember him?" I mumbled, looking around at the team. "Was this delivered to you, Hotch?"
"Yeah it was. It was underneath my door when I walked into the kitchen this morning."
"All of the notes have been delivered to me, or at least somewhere I was at. But this is directed at you."

"And another question, why the hell is Mr. Watson?" Garcia asked.
"He was my drama teacher in high school. He had a kind of weird relationship with the male Juniors and Seniors. Always acted like they were his kids, but it never got sexual or anything like that, but he was definitely creepy." I replied.
"All of the more informative notes we've got have been pointing to your drama class and we have your ex-girlfriend as a potential suspect, but are there any other people in or around your drama class who we might have an easier chance of talking to?" Spencer asked.

"You might be able to get through to her brother. He was also a part of drama until Diana and I started dating. He might still live in DC."
"I had my mom do a bit more searching and I found Kaden's last name. It was Gomez."
"Was?" Garcia asked, her fingers hovering over her keys.
"After that I did a little digging and everything on Kaden Gomez had disappeared from the internet after his mom died, but I was able to find a hotel room booked under Kaden Whitman, he used a credit card."

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