Chapter Seventeen

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I paced around the hospital lobby, trying to control my breathing as I waited for them to do whatever they were doing.

“Agent Cane?” One of the doctors said, walking into the lobby.
“Your sister is awake but don’t press for details quite yet.”
“Yes ma’am.”

I sped off into her room, sitting in the chair beside her bed.

“Hey brother,” She mumbled, smiling weakly at me.
“Hey sister. How’re you feeling?”
“I’m feeling good, considering… you know.”
“I’m glad. Is mom okay? Do you know if she’s okay?”

“I’m only alive because I called the driver a son of a bitch. He pulled over and then the guy with the computer stuck a needle in my neck. I couldn’t see anything but I heard you and everyone run into the building I was in and I tried talking to you but nothing came out and then i passed out and-”

“Sister, you don’t have to tell me yet. Just rest, we can get the information in a couple of hours.”
“Don’t leave, please?”
“I won’t. I promise. Plus I was ordered to stay with you so I can’t.”
“Did mother’s maybe future boyfriend command that?”

I laughed at the nickname, she’d never let my mother live that down, even if she didn’t come back to us. Stop, don’t think like that, she’s coming back. 

“Seriously though, did he?”
“Yes he did.”
“He really should get with mom.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“She’s got a thing for him, mom hasn’t dated since dad left and that happened 9 years ago. She needs to.”
“Mom’s really pretty, she has guys that hit on her all the time. She could date someone who isn’t my boss.”

“Well you know how mom is,”
“Unfortunately, I do. When she gets back it won’t surprise me if her first words are asking him out."
“I don’t really know how that would work though. I mean, we live 40 hours away.”
“You guys could always move to DC. I know you like it down in LA, but it’s an option. I know mom would never uproot her life though.”
“Do you mean move in with you?”

“That would also be an option, but I was talking about my second house, the small 2 bedroom one that I showed you guys last year. Maybe after you get your degree you guys could move down here.”

“I’m not going to college.”
“I thought you wanted to major in wildlife services?”
“I did, but I’d rather not. Maybe I could be an FBI agent like you.” Holly smiled.
“You’d need a degree for that. I think you’d be good at it though. I think you’d be better in the fugitive task force than the BAU.”
“Maybe I’ll do that instead.”

The next 2 hours were silent, I hadn’t gotten a call of any kind from anyone, but I enjoyed the silence. Her doctor came walking in, but it was a different guy. He was tall and older, it wasn’t a woman. Something about him threw me off.

“I’m just here to give her the after effects.” He smiled, taking a syringe from his bag.
“No. She already had them. Dr. Hayes already gave her them. And where is she?” I replied, moving myself in front of the IV.
“She asked me to give her these.”
“What is it?”
“It’s something to help awaken her system.”

I knew by the clear color that it was some fancy drug that stopped the heart.

“No. I know what that is. Drop it or I’m calling my other agents.”

He reached the syringe behind me, attempting to stab it into the IV. He couldn’t even properly pretend to be a doctor. I grabbed his wrist, slamming it against my knee, causing him to drop the syringe. I pushed him down to the ground as I placed my knee in the middle of his back. He had a gun underneath his shirt. We profiled these guys as intelligent, he clearly wasn’t. I kept my knee on his back as I called Hotch, resting the phone in between my shoulder and ear.

“What’s going on?”
“You need to come down to the hospital. With cuffs.”
“What happened?”
“I’ll explain when you get here.”

He tried reaching for the gun, but it was just out of his reach. I kicked it away, pulling him up and slamming him onto the couch in the room. 

“What the hell was that? You just tried to stop the heart of a 15 year old girl, the sister of an FBI agent. How did you think that was gonna go?”
“They said you weren’t here.”
“They? What else did they say?”
“I’m not saying anything else.”

“Oh but you will, because it’s either you tell us, or your head’s gonna be on a stick. When you lawyer up you lose any chance of protection from us. Because I promise you when you get out of questioning, that they’ll come for you and they won't “try” they’ll succeed. So if you tell us what happened, we can give you protection. I can guarantee that. But if you don’t…”

“Okay, okay. What do you need to know?”
“Well for one, how many were there?”
“I met with 3 but there was a fourth. They were talking to him over the microphone.”
“Him? You know it was a guy?”

“That kept calling him “T”, I thought it was the first letter of his name but they called him that because he was the one who wired me the money through some secret unofficial channel and he was super good with technology..”

“How much money?” 
“They said I couldn’t check until I completed it.”
“Did they threaten your life if you failed?”
“The taller guy, he was around 6’2, he said something like, “Don’t fuck it up or we’ll use the drugs on you.” but he laughed so I assumed he was kidding.”
“Well, I promise you he wasn’t. Did any of them give you a name?”

“I only knew the name of the girl. Allison. They kept calling her “Allie” or “A”. The second guy was shorter, maybe 5’10, and they called him “J” I never got an actual name. The tall guy they referred to as “the boss”

“Okay, thank you.”
“So I’m free to go?”
“Oh hell no. You tried to kill my sister. And my boss might have some more questions.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Hotch walked in, yanking him up from the seat and clicking the cuffs around him.

“Was he useful?” Hotch asked.

“I got a bit of stuff from him. They wired him money through a secret channel, and there were 4 of them. Allison is the name of the girl, but it’s probably an alias. They were calling her “A”, they called the second guy “J”, and they referred to the other guy as “The boss” but that was it.”

“I’ll ask him a few more questions down at the bureau, you stay with your sister.”
“Got it. Tell me if you guys get another lead.”
“Will do.”
Murder is bad.
Thought I'd post a chapter today

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