Chapter Thirty-six

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"Hey," Hotch said, pressing his hand against my lower back.

"Walk up to room 27, that's hers. All you have to do is distract her. We parked farther down so she can't see our cars, but you're gonna wear this mic," he said, clipping the small mic to the inside of my vest.

"Okay." I nodded, slowly walking up to the door.

There was no solid proof she was here, or anyone was here, but my stomach sank the closer I got to the door. I knocked twice against the mahogany colored door, crossing my arms over my chest. A girl opened the door, she wasn't much younger than me. She had long brown hair that was tossed over her shoulder, parts of her fringe was covering her eyes, but they were a pale brown color.

"Hello?" She asked, her voice was warm and soft.
"Hi, are you Evera?" I asked, trying not to make it noticeable that I was nervous.
"Yeah, I am. Do I know you?" She asked.

I tried to analyze the room behind her, but she was stood in a way that obsucured the rest of the room.

"I'm Jasper, we used to go to college together? I saw a post you had made a while ago and a friend of mine told me where you live so I thought I'd say hi," I said.

"Oh, okay," She smiled, "Come in."

She moved with the door, letting me follow inside. She shut the door and I heard a lock click. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I took a large step forward, analyzing the rest of the room. I turned around to face her and she had a pistol pointed at me. Not a lock.

"What's the need for the gun?" I stammered, putting my hand on my holster.
"I know what you did." She smiled.
"What exactly are you talking about?"

"You- you hurt a ton of people, that was pretty shitty," She said, "and now, you're dealing with the repruccusions of your actions, and you had to go cry to your team. Well guess what "agent" you won't be able to anymore."

My body froze as she fired a bullet. It was on of the handmade ones. It barely went through the fabric of my dress shirt and against the vest, knocking me backwards. I took a deep breath, trying to stand up, but she pushed me back. She pulled at my vest, I think she was trying to get the bullet. I pressed my arms against hers, holding her onto the floor. I used her to stand up, yanking her up with me. I didn't have my cuffs, but I didn't need them. By the time I got her pulled up, Morgan kicked down the door, pulling her from my grasp.

"Warrant," Emily said, pulling the conrers of the paper, causing a loud crinkle sound from the paper.

I grunted, unbuttoning my dress shirt to try and get the bullet out. It didn't go deep enough into the vest, so I was able to pull it out. I looked at the bullet. It was definetly similar in shape and size to 9mm bullets, but the material was different. The end of the bullet was bronze and had some kind of worn engraving on the top, but the base of the bullet was silver and had a poorly etched flower on the base.

"Guys," I groaned, readjusting myself, "This bullet is handmade- I knew that- but look at this."
"Is that a flower?" JJ asked.
"I think," I answered, "Does that look like something an adult would do?"
"No, it looks like an idea from a kid." Emily replied.
"Exactly. But none of the members that we know about have kids younger than 25. Which means that one of the ones we don't know about does."
"Does Evera have any kids?"

"Garcia didn't mention any and I don't see anything that points to a kid. It could be a neice or nephew though, maybe even a younger cousin that she watches."

"I'll have Garcia delve more into Evera's personal life, see if anythin pops up. In the mean time, search around the area. I want to know if she has any written plans in here." Hotch said, stepping outside."

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