Chapter Eight

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I placed the note down on the table, pointing at it for the rest of the team to see.

“Another note? Is your stalker the one committing these murders? Usually stalkers don’t get violent, this is extreme.” Emily asked.
“I don’t know, but this note was beside the body. I haven’t opened it yet, I wanted to wait until I got here.”
“Wait, a note? That wasn’t there when my crew found that body.” The detective said.
“So it was added after we were called?”
“I had officers stationed near the body, nobody should’ve been able to sneak past.”

“Well, the body was pretty close to the road, it wouldn’t be that hard.” I said.
“I’m gon’ talk to my crew.” The detective said.
I waited for him to walk off, talking the note out of the paper. “Such a shame this happened. “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” Wouldn’t you agree, Dr. Reid?”

“What the hell does that mean?” I asked, tossing the note onto the table.
“That’s a Shakespeare quote. This might be a stretch, but you took extra english classes in college, right? Did you ever do anything over “All’s Well That Ends Well,” like a paper or maybe an act?”
“Uhm, maybe? We covered a lot of Shakespeare stuff. I don’t really know.”
“Try and think.”
“If we did, my mom would have whatever paper I wrote on it. I can call her and ask her.”
“Do that while we do this.” Hotch said, gesturing to Spencer to go with him.

I quickly dialed my mom’s number, walking to a corner to have my conversation.

“Hey honey, are you not working right now?”
“Yes I am, I just have a question.”
“What is it, Jasper?”
“You still have all of my essays and other stuff I wrote for college right?”
“Yes I do, do you need something from it?”

“Can you look and see if I wrote anything over Shakespeare’s “All’s Well That Ends Well?” I asked, watching the rest of my team.
“Sure can. I’ll call you back when I get something.”
“Thanks mom, love you.” I said, hanging up the phone.

I picked back up the note, trying to read between the lines. He directly referred to Spencer, and something about the quote made me think it was directed at him. Was he lying to me about something? The fact that whoever wrote this referred to him as “Dr. Reid” either means they don’t know his first name, or they want him to know that they know who he is too?

“Jasper, I can tell you’re thinking about something, what is it?”
“He directly referred to Spence, and he picked that quote for a reason. The quote talks about honesty, but who is Spencer lying to?” I mumbled, messing with the corners of the paper.
“Maybe it’s because Spencer never told you about his feelings? The stalker could see that as a lie.”
“Or he lied to me about his feelings.” I replied, keeping my focus on the lines.

“I know that one isn’t possible, he definitely likes you, he has since you-” She started, clearing her throat. “The point is, I know he likes you, what other reasons could he be referencing honesty?”
“Maybe Spencer lied to all of us about something or he knows more about what’s happening then he lets on.”
“Let’s think about things that Spencer’s said recently. He missed a couple days of work a couple weeks ago, right? What was his reason?”
“His mom was off her meds and he had to go down to Las Vegas to convince her to take them again. I know he didn’t lie about that because he asked me to go with him.” Emily said.

“He came to my house the night I got the note, but he came with Morgan and he told me that Hotch told them to make sure I was okay. I don’t think it was that.”
“He said I told him to do what?” Hotch said, walking with Spencer back into the room.
“Did- did you not tell him and Morgan to check on me?”
“He didn’t. I asked Morgan to come with me to check on you and I knew you wouldn’t tell us to leave if I told you Hotch asked us to check on you.”
“You were right about that. But that just doesn’t feel like a big enough lie for him to address you in the note.” 

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