Chapter Nineteen

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We all drove off to the cabin. We knew they weren’t dumb enough to stay around, but maybe something in the cabin would tell us about them. When we got there, a man was knocked out just beside the door. He had a gun on him, lots of weapons actually. He had a mask too. I peeled off the mask, almost falling over when I realized who it was.

“Fuck.” I breathed, rolling him away from the door.
“My dad. This is my dad.”
“How do you know?” Hotch asked, leaning down by his body.

“The burn scar on his chin. It’s a chemical burn, he was helping a bunch of guys make meth before I was born and the building caught fire. He has more on his arms and a few on his legs too, I think.”

“Well, when the ambulance gets here I’ll have JJ and Rossi go with him, they can interview him.”
“Okay.” I replied, staring at the slightly ajar door.

Hotch nodded at me as I ripped open the door and the rest of the team followed. JJ and Rossi stayed behind with my dad, making sure he wouldn’t wake up. I ran to the back, ripping a hole in the cloth that had been hammered behind the door. My mom’s body was lying there. Cuts, bruises, and other markings decorated her body. The sons of bitches even created a heart with the blade they used. I fell to my knees, checking her pulse. It was faint. It was so, so faint, but she had a pulse.

“We need a medic,” I yelled, sitting her upright.

I squeezed her hand as we waited for an ambulance. The rest of the team was walking through the rest of the cabin. I should be helping them, but I can’t. After I don’t know how long, a set of medics walked into the room, pushing a gurney with them. They pulled my mom on top of it, pushing her out of the cabin. The guy outside had woken up, he wasn't in critical condition, so we were allowed to take him to the Bureau for questioning. I had almost forgotten that it was my dad. I went to step outside, but Hotch stuck his arm out.

“I want you to interrogate him, but I don’t want him to see you yet. I want you to take a break. Go get some coffee or something.”
“It’s not a request, it’s an order. Take Garcia with you.”
“Okay sir,” I said.

I waited until they hauled my dad into one of the SUV’s to climb into one with Hotch and Rossi. We walked into the bureau, I had Rossi on my heels like a guard dog. I walked into Garcia’s office as my sister immediately wrapped her arms around me.

“Brother! Did you find mom? Is mom gonna be okay?”

“Hey sister. We found her, but I couldn’t go into the ambulance with them. I think she’ll be okay but we’ll have to check up on her later,” I answered, returning the hug, “Also, us three are going to get coffee and stay at my place for a bit. Come on.”

“Wait, us three? I have a job.” Garcia said, pointing to her computers.
“Bosses orders. Bring your laptop.”
“But- I- okay.” She sighed, picking up her back and laptop.

We walked out of the bureau and down to my car. We drove off to the cafe, it was pretty central and lots of people were usually here but when we walked in, there were only 2 other customers. We ordered our drinks, sitting in a far back booth.

“This is where you brought Spencer on your date, right brother?” Holly asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Wait a minute, date? I thought neither of you losers were gonna ask the other out. Proud of you Jazzie!”
Jazzie?” I replied.
“Deal with it.” Garcia smiled.

I laughed, looking around the empty cafe. A couple walked in, they were in their late 30s or 40s. They both ordered the drink I usually get, weird. I mean, it was a common drink but something about the way they said the order made it sound like someone was telling them what to order. But I’m just being paranoid, aren’t I?

“Hey sis, don’t whip your head around but look at that couple over there.”

She slightly turned her head, squinting her eyes at the couple. She tapped her fingertips anxiously against the table, readjusting herself.

“I don’t know them, should I?”
“Your body language told me what I need to know. You don’t remember them, but your subconscious does.”

She turned her head back around to me, narrowing her eyes i confusion as I pulled at my phone to text Hotch.

Older man, mid to late 40s. Around 5’10, normal build. He’s balding. He’s with a woman, late 30s to early 40s. She’s a lot shorter, 5’2 maybe. She has short black hair that’s clearly a wig. Both white, no other noticeable features.

“You don’t seriously think-”
“Whisper,” I mumbled, keeping my attention on the couple.

“You don’t seriously think those are a couple of the “unsubs” or whatever you call them, do you? They look like harmless old people.”

“Everyone looks harmless, until they aren’t. They ordered my exact drink, both of them. Sure it’s a pretty common drink but they’re actively avoiding eye contact with me.”

“What does Agent Hotchner think?” Holly asked, “Oh and tell him-”
“I’m not telling him that he needs to go out with mom, Holly.”
“You're no fun.”

I giggled, checking my phone for a reply. The screen started glitching and I couldn’t open my messages.

“Garcia, something’s wrong with my- what the hell?!”
“Jasper, what happened?”
“It wiped all of my messages, and my contacts. Everything else seems fine but look,” 

I showed her my messages and the clean slate of contacts.

“Okay, okay. Maybe I can recover it. Gimme your phone.”

I handed her my phone as she plugged it up into her laptop, typing away like she usually would. We sat in silence for a moment and when I redirected my attention to the couple, they were gone.

“The couple, if it was them, they’re gone.”

I jumped up out of the booth, walking over to the window. They were long gone by now, I couldn’t see them climbing into a car. I walked over to the barista, showing her my badge.

“Yes agent?” She asked, putting money into the till.
“Did that older couple happen to pay with a card?”
“May I ask what this is about?”
“My apologies, but I don’t want to say anything. It’s part of the job, I'm not really supposed to.”
“Of course, I understand. Let me see– it seems they did!” 
“What was the name on that card?”

I knew we weren’t lucky enough for either of them to use their cards, but maybe we could check other purchases.

“The name on that card was, Micheal Cane.”
“Thank you.”

I walked back over to the booth, taking a long sip of my coffee.

“They used my dad’s credit card to buy their coffee.”
“Wait, they used dad’s credit card? Is he okay? Actually, I don’t give a shit if he’s okay. But what is he doing with them?”

“First of all, quit swearing Holly. Second of all, we found him outside of the cabin where we found mom. We think he was the one inside of the group that knew everything about me.”

“He was the tech guy?” She asked.
“I don’t think so, I think his voice clouded the tapping while he was talking. Because he doesn’t have any knowledge of technology.” I answered.
“Want me to check other purchases on his card? I can monitor the activity on it, we’ll be alerted the moment they use it.” 
“Yes, do that.” I said, finishing my coffee.

Penelope took my phone from the USB, handing it back to me.

“I wasn’t able to recover all of your messages, but any messages from the last month should be on there.” She said, closing her laptop for a brief moment.
“Thank you Garcia.”
Woah!! Father found.

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