Chapter Thirty

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I sat impatiently with Garcia as we waited for the team to come back. 

“So,” Garcia said, “How’s you and Spencer going?”
“We went to a dog park with Holly and then me and him went to the museum.”
“What about the book? He give you an answer?” She smiled.
“Did Morgan tell you about it? I didn’t want the team knowing,” I complained, tossing my head into my hands.
“No, Morgan didn’t tell me, I saw it. But what’s so bad about the team knowing?”

“If Spencer and I, or anyone else on the bureau, started dating, I wanted it to be private. Even if it wasn’t with another agent, I wanted the relationship to be private, because with this job, there isn’t a lot of that.”
“I mean, I get that, but we’re your family. You don’t think we deserve to know?” She asked.

“It’s nothing against you guys at all, I just want this one thing to be private.”
“So he said yeah?”
“Yes he did. Please, please don’t tell anyone else. Morgan included.”
“Fine, you know I’m not good at keeping secrets.”
“I won’t hesitate to tell the team about you and Alvez,” I threatened, pointing at the cat plush.
“Okay, I won’t tell a soul,” She replied almost immediately.

I laughed, making myself yet another cup of coffee.

“Can I have a cup?”
“Duh,” I said, making her some coffee.

I poured two teaspoons of sugar and a hint of milk into the cup, stirring it around.

“Hear you go my queen,” I joked.

She smiled, taking a long sip of the drink. We talked for a little longer before Luke walked in with the dogs, and the rest of the team behind him. He handed me Holly’s leash and led his dog back outside.

“What did y’all find?” I asked, unclipping Holly’s leash and giving her to Garcia.
“It’s what we didn’t find that’s more of the problem.” Hotch answered.
“I don’t like the sound of that.”
“Three bodies, all at different stages of decomposition, without their skulls.”
“Oh,” I grimaced, “What do we do about that? Those are practically in my backyard. That doesn’t look too good.”

“I called Erin, I gave her all of the updates on the case and I told her about this, she said that she will talk with the director and she will give this case over to another unit for the time being.” Hotch said.

“What?” I replied.

“I don’t like it any more than you do, but she’s not willing to negotiate,” He said, “However, she’s agreed to let you back out into the field while we work on other cases.”

“I’m not putting this case on the back burner,” I said, “Not gonna happen.”

“Nobody said we were, but we just won’t have as much of an involvement. If we happen to “come across” huge pieces of evidence, we’ll report to Strauss. I’m also going to have Garcia work on what she can while we work on other cases,” He continued, “She did say that if the new unit made a substantial break in the case that we would be allowed to continue working on it.”

“As long as I’m not on house arrest again then that’s fine by me,” I said.
“She also wants to see you for an evaluation, all I ask is that you don’t lie.”
“I’m not getting taken off of the team or sidelined again, If I have to lie I will. When does she want to see me?”
“Right now. We’re all heading back to the Bureau.”
“Great.” I said, taking my keys from the hook. 

I pulled into my parking spot, making my way to the elevator. When I made it to our floor, Strauss was standing beside the elevator.

“Agent Cane, follow me please.” She smiled, gesturing me out of the elevator.

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