Chapter Fifteen

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I walked back outside to pick up the pale yellow envelope and finish looking around outside. There were a set of tire tracks that definitely matched our idea about the SUV or van. Other than that and the note, there was nothing out of the ordinary. At least that I could see. I walked back inside with the note, doing a second look over my laundry room. I opened the envelope once again to make sure I hadn’t missed anything, and I had. There were more photos. There were 4 in this envelope. One was of me getting ready. One of them took a picture of me through my window. It’s on the second floor, how did they do that without me noticing? The second was of me and Spencer at the cafe. The third was us leaving the restaurant. And the final photo was of my mom and my sister watching a movie downstairs.

“At least one of them has been outside my house. How the hell have I not seen anyone?”
“You have security cameras right?”

“Yeah but they aren’t wide-ranging. The one on my front porch concentrates on a direct path of my driveway, it’s pretty easy to avoid getting caught. The one on my backyard might have caught the van because it focuses on the forest. I have one on the east and west side of my house but they don’t work. I’ve been meaning to get them replaced.” 

“Let’s take a look at them. Just to see what we might have caught.” 

I nodded, running up the stairs to grab my laptop and bringing it back downstairs. I pulled up the feed from yesterday night to this morning, looking at the 4 panel screen. 

“Can you speed up the footage?”
“How are we gonna- oh right, you’re a super genius.” I said, speeding up the footage as fast as it would go.

He flicked his eyes across the screen, checking all four panels.

“There. Pause it.” He said.

I paused it and he moved his finger to the left, telling me to rewind a few seconds. I went back and played the footage. Sure enough, at around 3 this morning there was a black SUV angled to where we couldn’t catch the license plate, with tinted windows sitting out where the tracks were. There were at least 3 people, but they were doing good to hide their faces. I couldn’t tell what gender, race, or anything else the two people who had my family tied up where, but the driver was male.

I couldn’t see anything else about him, even when I blew up the image, but I knew there was a guy. The two other people I saw opened up the trunk, tossing my sister in the car before halling my mother up. I could tell they were still alive, but either they had been drugged, or they were listening to what I had told them about cases like this. Don’t show fear, but don’t antagonize, and definitely don’t fight back. I couldn’t keep staring at the image any longer. I walked off to my kitchen, taking a quick drink of some water.

“You okay? Well, I know the answer-”
“I’m fine. We’re one step closer to finding these sons of bitches who enjoy terrorizing my life.” I said, tossing the empty bottle into the trash can.  

I walked back over to my computer, letting Spencer watch the last 3 hours of footage. He didn’t see anything else, but I noticed something strange. I pulled up the active logs, it showed when I, or someone else, last logged on to watch footage from the camera. Just before we saw the two people with my mother and sister walking out, someone had logged on and didn’t log off until 3:15, when the other two climbed into the car.


I pointed to the active log, showing what I saw.

“I think the driver, or another person in the car, was watching the security camera and telling the other two how to avoid getting their faces shown.”
“Can you blow up that image? I want to see if they have any mics on.”

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