Chapter Seven

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The next morning at the Bureau, I told JJ everything that we found out.

“Are you sure that you don’t know anyone who would do this?”
“Okay,” She said, putting her hands up in defeat. “I’m going to give the briefing for the new case in a minute.”
“Great,” I replied, walking off to my desk.

I sat down, re-organizing the stuff on my desk before we left. It was something I always did, I liked having a clean work space. 

“Hey, Jasper.” Emily said, leaning down beside me.
“Have you talked to Spencer?”
“About what?” I breathed, shooting my eyes down to her.
“You know what. It’s pretty obvious…”
“I-” I replied, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Kind of. I told him. He also knows that my mom knows about him.”

“You told your mom about him?” She said, wincing in disgust.
“Yeah. But never about my feelings, she knows about all of you, she just somehow knew without me saying anything.” I said.
“You know what they say,”
“Yeah. “Mother knows all.” I don’t really believe that though.” 
“How come?”

“It’s really just reading people, it’s no parental knowledge or anything. They just read your behavior when you talk about something.”

Agent Rossi rushed into the bureau, sitting down.

“Good morning, Rossi.” I laughed.
“Guys, I’m ready to give the briefing.” 

David cleared his throat and we all laughed, walking into the conference room, listening to JJ. We were immediately instructed to grab our go bags.

“Wheels up in 20.” Hotch said.

When we got on the plane, Aaron wasted no time to discuss victimology.

“There's 6 people dead, all of different races and ages, but they’re all women.”
“Are we looking at a sexual sadist?”
“No evidence of sexual assault. Jasper, Reid, I want you two to go to the coroner’s office and look at the bodies. Morgan and Prentiss, I want you two to go to the crime scenes. Rossi, JJ, you guys are with me. I want to talk with the head detective.”

“Wait a minute guys. What’s this?” Prentiss asked, pointing to a mark on the side of each victim's arm.
“It just looks like a cut.”
“That’s a burn scar. Look at the redness around it.” I said.
“It's on the back of their arms. Jasper and I can get a better look at it at the coroner’s office.”
“I don’t want to say this, but it looks like they were branded.” I replied.

“You don’t just jump straight into branding people. I’ll have Garcia check for other records of similar things outside of Pennsylvania and see if there were similar murders anywhere.”

When we landed, Reid and I drove straight for the coroner's office. 

“You guys with the FBI?” He asked, pulling out the bodies.
“Yes sir.” I said, pulling out my badge.
“In my 20 years of this job, I’ve never seen somethin’ as weird as this.”
“What do you mean?” Spencer asked.
“This mark on the back of their arms. It looks like they were branded.”

He flipped over one of the victim’s arms. A closer look at it, it definitely seems like they were branded. The mark was an “E” with a dash through it.

“This is weird.”
“Obviously.” The coroner replied.
“I mean the branding itself. It’s definitely a burn mark, so it’s more likely to be a branding, but look at this. It looks like an E with a dash through it.”
“That is weird. Most brandings are part of cults or various gangs, it’s part of the initiation process, but those usually include a logo of some kind. This doesn’t look like it could be a logo of any kind.” 

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