Chapter Fourteen

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Minor smut warning for this chapter...
We walked out of the restaurant, it was nearing 6:00 and I wanted to make it home before it got too dark.

“Hey Spence,” I said, stopping beside my car.
“Do you want to stay the night at my place? You don’t have to but-”
“I’d love to.” He smiled.

I opened the passenger side door to let him in before walking off to the driver side. We made it back to my house and I could hear my mom and my sister talking about Hotch.

“Spencer.” I whispered.
“Yeah?” He replied.
“I think they’re talking about Hotch.”

We pressed our ears against the door and sure enough they mentioned his name.

“You should shoot your shot mom. He’s only 2 years younger than you.” Holly said.
“I’m pretty sure he’s married sweetheart. And either way, he’s Jasper’s boss.”
“No, they got divorced like 3 years ago. That didn’t stop you from marrying dad, and he was your boss.”
“Well you know how mine and your father’s relationship ended, so I’m not sure.”

I winced in disgust as I unlocked the door, resulting in both my mom and my sister to jump up from the living room couch.

“Well hey mom.” I said, looking over at Spencer.
“Hey honey, did you have a good time?”
“Yeah we did.”
“That’s good. That’s good.” 
“Who were you talking about just then? Before we walked inside.”

“We were talking about Agent Hotchner.” Holly answered.
“Really? You got a thing for my boss?”
“No- Well, I said he was attractive.”
“I can agree with that.” I replied, trying my best to keep in a laugh.

“We’re staying at a hotel tonight so we better check in before it gets too late.”
“Are you sure? I’ve got two extra bedrooms, you guys can stay here. I’d feel safer if you guys stayed here.”
“Brother, what’s going on? You’ve been talking about our safety a lot and you’ve been calling mom more frequently, asking super weird questions about your highschool classes.”

I bit my cheek and tugged at my sleeve, I wanted to keep them in the dark for as long as I could, but It seemed like my time was up.

“Over the past month I’ve been getting these super weird letters that mention times of my life and some of them have been directed to other members of my team. One of the letters I got had a bunch of photos of me, Agent Morgan, and Spencer and they were all taken from outside my house. Another one mentioned a line from the All’s Well That Ends Well play I did in high school, that’s why I asked you about it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that Jasper?”
“Because I didn’t want you to worry or try and get answers.”

“I’m your mother, I’m going to worry. But either way, we knew that joining the bureau would come with a great risk, and we’ve both taken every necessary precaution for our houses. Have you been directly threatened?”

“Then all we can do is hope that it stays that way. Come on Holly, let’s take our bags into the rooms.”

They walked outside and I watched them through the windows, not taking my eyes off of it.

“You didn’t tell them?”
“Like I said, I didn’t want my mom to worry or try and find answers, I knew she’d be in danger if she did. But I think she’s in danger either way.”
“The best thing we can do is keep them here and make sure everything stays locked.”
“I know.” I said. “Shit.”
“I forgot that there would be three of you and I only have 2 extra bedrooms. I know Holly won’t share with my mom so-”
“I can just sleep down here. I’ve never been able to figure out why, but I sleep better on couches.”
“Or you could stay in my room? Company might be nice.” I smiled.

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