Chapter Nine

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I laid on the bed, flicking through the pages of the book, trying to see if he left anything like another note or a highlighted sentence. I skimmed through the pages, maybe there was a reference to a place that I’d been. As I neared the end of the book, my mom called back.

“Hey sweetheart, I know I didn’t call you back last night but I found 2 pages of a script of that Shakespeare thing from your high school drama class and an essay you wrote during your last semester at uni.” She said.
“What acts are the pages covering?”
“Act 4 scene 2 and Act 4 scene 4. Does that help at all?”
“More than likely, let me get Spencer.”

I tossed the phone onto the bed and walked outside to Spencer.

“Hey Spence, what happens in Act 4 scene 2 and Act 4 scene 4 of All’s Well That Ends Well. Please, give me a simple answer.”
“In Act 4 scene 2 Diana agrees to lie with Bertam after he gives her his ancestral ring. And in Act 4 scene 4 Betram gives Lafew a ring which Lafew and The King recognizes as Helen’s.”
“Thank you.”

I picked back up my phone, writing what Spencer said onto a notepad.

“Thank you mom.”
“No problem Jasper.” She said, the sound of worry in her voice.

I hung up, tossing it onto my bed again. I went back over what Spencer said, trying to figure out how this would relate to anything I’ve done. I must have zoned out because the entire team was in my room when I brought my focus away from the paper.

“Jasper?” Hotch asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Sorry. What’d you find out?” I asked, shaking my head.
“Nothing. They don’t have a sign in/sign out sheet of any kind, the only records would be if they paid with a credit card but there isn’t a record for when they check out. Nobody checked in here within 5 days before our arrival or a day after our arrival. Did your mom get back to you?”
“Yeah. I asked Spencer about the part of the play I had the script for and this is what he told me.” I said, handing Hotch the paper.

He read it, tracing his finger along the words repeatedly as he read through the sentence.

“Have you ever given someone a gift to make them compliant or given someone a gift that belonged to someone else? If the play relates to this at all that’s the only thing I’m getting from this.”
“I did the first one all of the time. It was the only way I would’ve graduated as early as I did.” I admitted.
“The main topic of All’s Well That Ends Well is deceit. Did you ever give someone a promise ring or promise someone something you knew you’d never go through with? Maybe whatever year you did that play?”

“I barely remember doing the play but it was for my Junior year. There were 24 kids apart of that play. And no, I never gave anyone a promise ring, I never had the ability to commit like that, and definitely not in High School.” I replied.
“What about lying to someone about something you knew you wouldn’t go through with? Maybe a promise to take them to prom or go out on a date with them?”
“I did both of those all the time. I wasn’t out during high school so I only ever got asked out by girls and I never went.”

“Woah, woah, wait a minute. You told me no girls ever hit on you.” Derek said.
“When you asked me, I was tired and ready to start a different case, I lied a bit, I just wanted you to leave me be.” I said.
“Jasper, if you wanted this closed, you should’ve been honest with me.”
“Guys, maybe we’ve been looking at this wrong. His stalker might be a woman. She might resent him for lying about his identity.”

“This is extreme just because I pretend to be into girls.” I said.
“Did you ever go on a date with any of the girls? Maybe even get into a relationship with one of them.”
“My Junior and Sophomore year I did. I had two girlfriends during my Sophomore year and one during my Junior year.”
“What were their names?” Hotch asked, grabbing the pen from my nightstand.

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