Chapter Thirty-eight

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I woke up with someone’s hands on the side of my shoulders, shaking me.

“Come on, he’s up.”
“Huh?” I replied, rubbing my eyes.

Garcia was stood infront of me, I could tell she had been here for a while. I went to stand up but she stopped me, sitting down beside me.

“What happened?”

“I tried to talk to him about the Luke thing and then the one thing we were arguing about turned into the fact that nobody on the team knows, that my mom doesn’t know, and then he asked if I was embarrassed of him and he ran outside. I chased him down and then he fell onto the ground and he was barely responsive and then, yeah.”

“Oh, wow. Okay, well we’re gonna go see him. The doctors said the first thing he did was ask for you when he woke up.”
“Really?” I smiled.

She nodded her head, pulling me up with her and walking us into his room. She placed her purse down on the couch against the window, signaling me to sit in the chair by his bed.

“I’m gonna grab a cup of coffee, do you guys want one?”
“I’m okay,” Spencer replied.
“I’ll take one.”

She walked out, leaving only us two together.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I said, grabbing his hand, “I’m so, so sorry about everything. We can tell anyone you want to tell, just please talk to me again.”
“Jasper, It’s okay.”

“No, it isn’t. You had every right to feel the way you did and I don’t want you to feel like that again. Garcia knew whenever we first got together and I just didn’t want to say anything because I was the one who brought up staying quiet but I promise, we can tell everyone on our team, my family, and anyone else that we think should know. Please forgive me.”

“I already did.” He smiled weakly.

I kissed his hand, laying my forehead on it.

“Also,” He said, “I love you, too.”
“Huh?” I replied, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“I heard you, whenever I was losing consciousness.”

I laughed awkwardly, trying to look away from him.

“I wanna make it up to you whenever you get out of here.” I said.
“What did you have in mind?” He asked.
“I’ve got a couple things.” I smiled.
“Yuck, I didn’t need to hear that.” Garcia grimaced, giving me my coffee.

I laughed, taking a sip of my coffee.

“It is coffee from the lobby so it may not taste that good.”
“It tastes fine.”

I put the coffee on the bed side table, grabbing Spencer’s hand again.

“I want you to rest for now, but whenever you get released I want to take you through a cognitive. Is that okay?”

Garcia’s phone rang and she stood on her heels walking loudly out into the lobby, without saying anything.

“Who called?” He asked.
“Probably Hotch. He told me that they had an address to check out.”
“Did he tell you anything else?”
“No. He was pretty adamant on keeping me in the dark.” I answered.

He nodded, the light in his eyes flickering with his yawn.

“You need some rest.” I smiled.
“I’m not tired,” He replied, clearing his throat.
“Yes, you are. Take a nap.”
“But-” He started.
“This isn’t up for negotiation, Spence.”
“Will you stay with me?”
“Of course, it’s not like I’m allowed to be anywhere else.”

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