Chapter Eighteen

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!!Mention of grooming!! [!]
It had been 24 hours since we recovered my sister, she had finally been discharged from the hospital, and the guy who pretended to be a doctor was no longer talking but we learned his name was Robert Lynch. He had a juvenile record and a couple petty crimes in his late twenties, but it was all for shoplifting and the attempted hijacking of a car. He was 56 years old and divorced 4 times. He hadn’t lawyered up, he just refused to talk. Which meant we needed leverage. We were going to use his son, but he died of an overdose 2 years ago and so had all of his ex wives, so we were back at square one. But we had something, that’s all that mattered. My sister and I were sitting in Rossi’s office, getting ready for a cognitive interview.

“If you get uncomfortable at any point, we’ll stop.”

I placed myself beside her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder for a brief hug.

“Close your eyes,” I said, “Great, now what’s the first thing you feel?”
“I was sleeping, but I woke up when we were on the road.”
“Was it a smooth ride or a bumpy ride?”
“A bit of both. There were a lot of turns and the windows were blacked out.”
“Okay, what about mom? Can you see her?”
“She’s still asleep but the 4 people are being very loud.”

“Can you hear what they are saying?”
“Parts of it, they drugged me with something, I’m struggling to hear.”
“Do you know what they drugged you with?”

“No, I guess I was sleeping. I know they drugged me because of the syringe beside me. There’s a bit of a… purple liquid left in the bottom of it. There’s one beside mom but there’s nothing left in it.”

“Okay, let’s go back to what they’re saying.”
“The girl, she’s got to be high, keeps chanting “we got ‘em. We got ‘em.” She has an accent. New York I think.”
“Okay great, that’s helpful. What about the others?”

“I can’t see any of them but from what I can hear it sounds like the driver, he was saying “Don’t get to cocky Allie, if they fight back we drop them off.” His voice is really deep.”

“So her name is Allie?”
“I guess, maybe Allison. But I doubt it’s her real name.”
“Did they say anything else? Anything at all?”
“One of the other guys kept saying “We got him back, that stupid bitch, we got him back.” I think it was the guy with the computer.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because the clicking of the keyboard, it starts right after he finished talking but when he talks there’s no clicking.”
“Okay, great. Did you guys stop anywhere?”

“We were riding for about 30 minutes and then they pulled over. I couldn’t see anything but I heard someone get out, probably the driver, and then he said, “We’re fueled up, we gotta drive. Are either of them awake?” and then the girl opened up the visor thing that was between us. It was like the thing in a taxi, it was just blacked out.”

“When she realized you were awake what did she do?”
“She slammed the visor and then they started whispering. He drove off and we were driving for another 20 minutes, that’s when mom woke up.”
“Can you tell me about the drive for those 20 minutes?”

“The drive was smooth, there weren’t that many turns, like we were on a highway. Then for the next 10 it was bumpy, like we were driving down a trail or a dirt road. That’s when they opened the back.”

“What did they do when they opened it, and could you see any of them?”
“No, they were wearing hoods and masks. But when they opened it they made an effort to block my vision. They crowded me, everyone but the driver.”
“You told me earlier that you called him a son of a bitch and then he pulled over.”

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