Chapter Sixteen

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Emily and JJ showed up about an hour ago, they had to finish some stuff up for work. It has officially been 12 hours since my mother and sister’s abduction, and I have yet to figure out a single name of a single one of the unsubs. Garcia was giving us the uncovered footage from the missing chunk of the security camera and Spencer continued to analyze parts of the newer footage on my other laptop. Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, and I watched the recovered footage, but something about it wasn’t adding up. The girl was blonde, and the other woman had dark hair, so that would mean there were two different women. Unless of course, both women have the same mole on the base of their neck that can’t be hidden by the camera.

“So whoever is orchestrating this whole thing goes through desperate measures to make sure the others don’t get caught. Hacking into my security camera, dying their hair colors, probably even contacts.”
“And that’s going to make this even harder,” Hotch said, dialing Garcia’s number, “Garcia, would it be possible to run a scan of any other women with a mole in that same area?” 
“I mean, I can run facial recognition from a picture from the security camera and it should pick up that mole too.”
“Okay, thanks.”

We had finished looking at the lost security footage, but Spencer was still looking through the footage from the time of the abduction to now. 

“You’re still looking?” I questioned.
“Yeah.” He said, rewinding a clip back a few seconds.

We all stared at him as he continued rewinding the footage. We knew better than to ask Spencer what he was doing, but he never usually rewinded footage more than once, he didn’t have to. 

“Guys, look at this.”

He paused the footage, zooming into the mic on the second person who pulled my sister and mother into the van.

“You can only see it for about half a second, but this mic, it isn’t the same mic that the first person has. The first person, who I’m guessing is the woman from the long hair, has the modified mic that you tracked the hitmen through, the second person doesn’t.” He said.
“Shouldn’t they all be using the same mic?” I questioned.
“I think the point is to throw us off. You can kind of see the driver in this same shot, he’s switching something on his mic and that’s when she nods.” He said, playing the footage.
“It doesn’t look like he switches something on his mic, it looks like he changes the mic. It’s an earpiece so it’s hard to tell but go back a few seconds and watch his hand.” I replied.

He went back about 10 seconds, zooming into the earpiece the guy was wearing. He avoided my camera well, but the back of his head was caught on the security footage. You can see him move his hand in a half-circular motion, then he flicks something on.

“He changed the earpiece. The second one looks like the mic she has, could it be the hitmen? Or is the driver the head guy? He would have been able to make the microphones, he’d be smart and criminally sophisticated enough not to get caught on the camera or leave any forensic evidence behind.”

“What about that black knitted sweater though? We’ve found 3 small pieces of it, but the only thing we know is that it was clearly hand knitted. There was nothing that suggested it was store bought, even the piece of the collar we got didn’t have a tag or anything on it, so I imagine this unsub is the only one who has it, but which one is it?”

“From the pieces we got, I can tell it belongs to a man with a slim build, but neither of the two men we can partially see seem to have a slim build. They both look rather well built.”

“Maybe the tech guy? We don’t know for sure that there’s more than them, but they seem to have clear jobs. If they had a tech guy he could hack into my system, he might’ve been out in the forest when I got the letter that way he could watch her and delete or alter whatever footage he needed to. He might also be the one taking the photos.”

“So there’s 3-4 in this group, but 4 seems like a more likely number. What do we know about groups?” Emily asked.

“They usually operate under a boss, which I assume is the driver, and in bigger groups there’s the muscle, soldier, and the pawn. The muscle does all the heavy lifting, usually transports the bodies. The soldier or soldiers listen to everything the boss says, they never go against an order and usually have a close relationship with the boss. The pawn, or pawns, are the most likely to go against the boss. They might feel like they owe him something, but are usually the most reluctant to follow orders. They are involved in the least and mostly stay on the sidelines.” I said.

We fell silent for a moment before my phone started ringing. I jumped at the sound, picking it up as I read Garcia’s contact name.

“Yeah Garcia?”
“So, I ran the messages like you asked and I got one hit. I didn’t get a name yet, I’m still running that, but this guy is good with technology. I was able to trace his computer but it’s only been active three times. Once when he made that post about the whore thing, the second time was… oh,”
“The second time was at your house. I guess I missed that.”
“Uh- what about the third?” I replied, swallowing the huge lump in my throat.

“It’s not a marked address but it’s pretty close to your house. He’s currently active at that location, but it’s jumping between power lines.”
“Can you send me that address?
“Duh, already sent to your phones.”
 Thanks Garcia.”
“You’re welcome lovely.” 

I smiled, putting my phone onto the table.

“Garcia says there’s an address nearby that the computer is logged on from. She said it’s bouncing between cell signals but that address was the only place both abandoned and owned around the 3 cell towers.”
“Well, let's go check it out. Remember, it might be a trap so be careful.”

We each peeled out of my driveway, racing toward the address. It was a small cabin pushed just off the side of the road. There were some trees obstructing our vision inside, but the outside seemed rather kept together. 

“Spencer, Morgan, you two walk around back. Emily, Jasper, Check the left. Rossi, JJ, and I will check the front.” Hotch whispered, gesturing all of us to our places.

Emily and I walked quietly to the left side of the cabin, peering through the windows. It was a small building so there wasn’t a lot to check, but the side of the house seemed clear. The windows blinds had been pulled down and it was hard to hear inside. We both walked back to the front of the house where the rest of the team was standing, getting ready to bust down the door. Morgan kicked the door in, but there didn’t seem to be anything in our direct line of sign. We all shuffled inside, peeking around every piece of furniture. When we made it to the very back room, I pushed the door open with my shoulder. My mouth fell open as I looked at my little sister, lying unconscious on the ground. There didn’t seem to be any blood around her, so that was a good sign. But I couldn’t see my mom at all, that was the exact opposite of a good sign.

“Guys!” I called, finally able to push the word out of my mouth.

Hotch and Spencer came running into the room, looking at her body. Hotch shot a worried glance at me as he rushed over to my little sister, putting his hand on her pulse.

“She’s still got a pulse, but it’s faint.” He said, lifting her up against the wall.

At some point, Emily had appeared behind us, dialing 911. There was a pale yellow envelope wedged in between her and her arm. I walked over to her, dropping to my knees as I tightly gripped her hand, taking the yellow envelope.

“This is your fault. You are the reason. How can you live with yourself knowing you killed your sister?”

I crumpled up the paper, tossing it across the floor. I know it wasn’t my fault, but the notes were starting to get to me, especially this one. I was already starting to lose it. The police showed up not long after, halling my sister into the back of the ambulance. I stood in the driveway, my arms dangling by my sides as my mind started playing different outcomes. I hadn’t even realized my name was being shouted.

“Jasper.” Hotch called, slightly shaking my shoulders.
“Are you gonna go with them? To the hospital?” He asked.
“Uh, yeah.” I replied.

He nodded as I walked robotically to the back of the ambulance, sitting on the side. I stared blankly at the floor of the car as I recalled the events. There has to be something I missed. There has to be something I can do. She’s only 15, this can’t be happening. Not to her.
Happy Valentines day.

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