Chapter Thirty-five

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I stayed outside, patiently waiting for Hotch. I had worked with the BAU for almost 7 years now, but never did it cross my mind that I’d see something like that. Of course, we saw it all the time. But those victims? They were random people. I had no connection to them. Even with this case, people have died. But never my friends. I always swore that the moment I thought I got in too deep, I’d quit. But it didn’t seem right anymore. Quitting would make it seem like I was giving up, I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t leave my coworkers, my friends, to fight this battle for me. It just wasn’t right. Hotch pulled in in one of the FBI vans, immediately opening the trunk.

“I had the M.E. put all other bodies on hold.”
“No complications?” I said, placing the chest into the trunk.
“Only a few.”

When I got settled in the car, I texted Garcia to ask about the progress of the local craftsmen and to let her know that we were leaving for the M.E. As I waited for a reply, I thought I’d ask Hotch what he wanted to talk with me about.

“Yeah?” He replied, not taking his eyes off the road.
“What did you need to talk with me about?”

“Ah,” He said, “Dave told me about the letter you got at the hotel. I know what the letter said and about the eyeliner on the photos. I just wanted to ask about your most recent romantic relationship with a woman.” 

“Oh,” I replied, “Naemi, I dated her in my Junior year of college.”

“I’m going to have Garcia delve into her adult life. I want to know what she’s been up to and if she’s a reliable suspect for the most recent letters. What was she majoring in?”

“Language and Literature I think. Her brother was majoring in architectural studies.”
“Okay,” He said, “I also wanted to ask about you and Luke. I know something went on there.”
“We had a small fling a few years ago. Nothing big.”
“Really?” Hotch replied, not a single bit of him believed me
“Okay well maybe not small but it was nothing serious. For him. At least. Or me. I didn’t care.”
“Okay, I might have cared. But I don’t anymore. He needs to ask Garcia out.”
“And you need to ask Spencer out.”

I thought back to the book I gave him. We had been officially together for just over 7 months and Garcia was still the only person who knew. I considered telling him, but I decided not to.

“Eventually. Whenever we aren’t knees deep in a case.”
“Speaking of the case, how far is Luke and the other agents on finding the location of the boss?”
“They have one of his 4 addresses narrowed down to the central D.C. area and another somewhere around Fredericksburg, Virginia.”
“But no actual address?”
“No actual address.” I repeated.

We pulled into the M.E’s office and I pulled out my phone. Garcia had a list of 8 men in local craftsmen businesses who also had some connection to the company my mom worked for as well as another 8 who attended the same college I did.

“Hotch,” I said, “Garcia gave me some names and their offenses, I want you to go over this list when we get done here.”
“Got it.”

I grabbed the chest, following Hotch into the only room that it actually looked like anyone was in. The M.E. was one we had worked with before, he was the oldest worker and already had 3 great-grandkids. He always talked about them when we came in. I placed the chest down in front of him, explaining why we had a head in a chest.

“You just need a DNA test?” He asked.
“Yes.” Hotch replied.
“I can get that to you in a couple hours. They finally upgraded our systems.” He smiled, taking out a pair of tweezers and a disk.

We nodded, walking out of the office. We sat in the car while he went over the list of suspects, it took him 2 hours to go over the 8 who weren’t with my mom’s old company, and another 3 to go over the ones who were. 

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