Chapter Three

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The next day at the Bureau was just a bunch of case work. I helped Morgan upload some older case files that I guess we never got around to. It was funny to me how long Agent Morgan had been working at the Bureau, yet always asked for my help. It didn’t bother me, unless we worked really late, I enjoyed my job, but it was always me. He does very, very good at his job and never seemed to need help, but he still always asked for help. 

“Hey Morgan,” 
“What’s up?” He asked.
“Why do you always ask me to work late with you?”
“Emily talks too much, she asks too many questions. I don’t wanna listen to Reid’s science facts. Hotch needs to be around his family and is our boss. Rossi’s fine, but is also our boss. And Garcia and JJ aren’t profilers.” He replied.

“I don’t mind helping but you do this job better than I do.”
“I wouldn't say that.”
“I would. Remember when Gideon called you a young man that he greatly admired and respected? I don’t remember getting called that.”
“Yeah yeah.” He said, playfully rolling his eyes.
“But seriously, I mean you told me why you don’t ask the others, but what makes me any different from them? I talk a lot and I often give you random facts when you ask me to work with you.”

“You’re more fun.”
“Really? I mostly talk about Reid and complain about work, how am I fun?”
“Oh speaking of, why do you always talk about Reid?” He questioned, leaning over his desk.
“I don’t know actually. I just do.” I replied.

I wasn’t lying, I seriously don’t know why I talk about him so much. I found his facts interesting, I found him interesting, but I found all of our team members interesting, I don’t understand why he was any different.

“You don’t know? Well I could give you a pretty good reason.”
“Oh really? Why do I talk about Reid so much?”
“You like him.” He answered immediately.
“What?” I asked, my voice shooting up.

“You’re the only person who listens to his facts, you always give him books that you’d think he’d be interested in, you play chess with him on our plane rides, you-”
“Okay okay okay,” I replied, sucking my teeth. “But that doesn’t mean I like him. He’s my friend.”
“When I talk about literally anything you give me a three word reply.”
“You talk about boring stuff.”

“You like knowing exactly how pheromones work? Or exactly why people go insane?”
“I mean, no, but-”
“That. You don’t enjoy it, but you listen anyway. You engage in what he talks about.”
“That’s just- well it’s- I hate you.” I said.

It was around 1 in the morning before I ever made it home. I landed on my bed as my dog jumped on top of me. She was a Miniature Husky, I named her Holly, after my little sister. I need to visit my parents soon. I picked up the book I had been reading and flipped through the pages. I never really read books, but I found it entertaining to see what I could piece together by just skimming through.

“Night Holly.” I whispered as my dog jumped down to her dog bed.

I closed my book and rolled over on my side, I knew I wouldn’t get much sleep, I rarely ever did the day after a case. After some time, I fell asleep. I didn’t get much sleep, I always went into work at around 6 in the morning. I bought a latte from my local cafe and made my way to work. When I got there, I was surprised to find Aaron being the only one there.

“Hey Hotch.” I said, nodding my head towards him.
“Hey Jasper.” He replied, not taking his eyes off the case file in front of him. 

I walked down to my desk, tossing my finished latte into the trash. I felt energized, even though I only got 4 hours of sleep, but I knew the energy would wear off soon. At some point, the rest of the team showed up and we were given our case for the day.

“There have been two murders over the last week and 8 murders in the last 4 months. The first two killings were over the span of two months, then the next four happened once a week, and now the last two have happened this week. The killer doesn’t seem to show any signs of stopping, he seems to be escalating his kills.” JJ explained, handing each of us a case file.
“We’ll talk about the victimology on the plane ride over.” Hotch stated.

We went over everything, fortunately we were able to go over everything we knew, everything we thought, and the future escalation of kills with a few fact breaks from Spencer in our 3 hour plane flight. We made it to the most recent victim's house, it was oddly clean. Nothing was broken, nothing was slanted or pushed out of the way. The only thing was the body, obviously. Reid and I were asked to examine the body, Agent Hotchner and Morgan were asked to ask around the neighborhood, and Agent Rossi and Emily talked to the police officers. 

“No defensive wounds, blunt object to the head, and a stab wound through the stomach.” Reid said.
“Was the stab wound what killed her?” I asked, looking over the body. 
“It seems that way. It looks like he hit her in the head and when that didn’t kill her, he stabbed her.”
“Do you know what connected the victims? They’re all different ages and genders and they have different physical appearances.” I questioned.

“According to David, they all worked at the same factory. It shut down about 5 or so months ago. Right before the killings started.”
“Were they involved in shutting in down? If so, the unsub might have been a worker who was angry at the factory being shut down.” I said.
“I don’t think so. I think they all protested against the factory being shut down.” Reid replied.
“Maybe the unsub wanted it to be shut down, so he’s killing everyone who protested. We need to have Garcia look into everyone who protested and everyone who was involved in it being shut down.” I responded.
“I’ll ask Morgan to, we need to look at the other bodies.” He said, rushing out of the room.

Spencer was usually avoidant of working alone with me, he never protested against Hotch or whoever, but he tried to do his job as quickly as he could. Him stating that we’ll spend more time alone together was weird. I didn’t mind, his random facts made investigations easier to deal with, but it wasn’t something he usually did. Maybe I’d ask him about whatever it is that Morgan and Emily know on our way to the other crime scenes. I decided I’d call Garcia before we left.

“Hey Garcia, I need you to give me the names of employees who worked at the Coin Factory in North Carolina.”
“Need any specifics?” She asked, the sound of her clicking her keyboard boomed through my phone.
“Specifically any who wanted the factory to shut down or protested for the factory to stay open.”
“Got it Jasper.” She replied. “Okay for the factory to shut down you have the General Manager Gracie Ordell, a few random employees named Francis Williams, Everett Harden, Vanessa Emily, and Hayleigh Attich. Those are the only who have publicly said they wanted it to shut down.”
“How’d you do that that fast? You know what, nevermind. Can you give me the addresses of all of them?”
“You got it!” She replied, hanging up the phone.

She sent me their addresses in a few short minutes and I gave them to Agent Morgan so he and Hotch could ask around about anything and see if any felt suspicious.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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