Chapter Twenty

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I pulled into my driveway, walking into my house with my phone up to my ear. Garcia and Holly followed closely behind me, setting up Garcia’s laptop on my kitchen table.

“Are you sure?” Hotch asked.
“Obviously I’m sure Hotch. They used my dad’s credit card, they ordered my exact drink, and they disappeared without me noticing.”
“Okay. Does that cafe have any cameras?”
“Garcia’s looking at the footage from her side now.”
“Okay good. Do you want me to send other agents-”

“No, Hotch. I’m good. Did you get anything out of my dad?”
“No, we didn’t, he won’t talk. Are you good to come down here and interview him?”
“Uh,” I replied, looking over at my sister, “Can you send Morgan down here to stay with Holly and Penelope?”
“Then I’ll be down there in just a minute.”

I hung up, sliding my phone into my pocket.

“Did you get anything?”
“I got a partial on the plates, but the footage is blurry so I’m only like half sure it’s even right.”
“Okay, run the partial with any cars owned buy a woman named Allison or with any relatives named Allison,” I said, “What about on my dad’s card?”
“They haven’t made any other purchases with it. That search might take a minute if we’re expanding it to relatives.”
“Why does she need to extend it to relatives?” Holly asked.
“Because I doubt Allison is her name, but I think it’s still the name of someone close to her. Maybe a sister or mother.”

“Okay– it looks like I may have a couple hits– By a couple I mean a few hundred.”
“Limit it to girls with a rap sheet of petty crimes, like shoplifting.”
“Okay,” She said, tapping away on the keyboard, “We’re down to 130 names, plus an additional 25 of those girls with relatives named Allison.”
“Dammit. Morgan can help you narrow it down more, I’m going to interview Micheal so he’s coming down to be a bodyguard.”

“Garcia, I don’t want to know what you’re about to say. My sister is here.”
“Right.” She replied, pursing her lips.

Not long after, Morgan walked in.

“Hey b- Garcia.” He corrected, looking over at my sister.

I patted his back, peeling out of my driveway. I parked my car in my usual spot, walking into the elevator. I usually rode the elevator alone but something about riding it when there was a group of crazy people hunting me down made me feel sick. I walked into the interrogation room where Hotch and Spencer were standing.

“How do you want me to play at this?”
“With him,” Hotch replied, placing his hand on Spencer’s shoulder.
“Elaborate a little?”
“Your dad left when you came out, meaning he probably isn’t big on you having a boyfriend, right?”
“Spencer and I aren’t dating yet, though.”

Spencer stood straight up when I said yet, a pink tint hit his cheeks.

“He doesn’t know that.”
“True. Well, if there’s one thing I’m good at it’s making men uncomfortable so.” I said, holding Spencer’s hand.

I opened the door, pressing my hand against the small of his back.

“You know babe, I still don’t think you won “fair and square” or whatever.”
“What do you mean?” He smiled, sitting down in one of the chairs.
“That poker game? I don’t think you should’ve won.” I replied, sitting in the second chair.
“Well Jasper, I did. Since I won, we need to go out for drinks when we wrap this case up.”
“I guess I owe you a date since you somehow won.” I laughed, placing the case file on the desk.

Micheal looked at me, a look of sadness washed across his face.

“Jas?” He asked, placing his hand on top of mine.

I pulled my hand back, opening up the case file.

“You don’t get to call me that anymore Micheal, but I have a couple questions for you.”
“Jasper, don’t be like that. I’m your dad.”
“You left. When you left, you took that title with you,” I replied, “So, what were you doing outside that cabin?”
“What cabin?”
“Don’t, you know where you were.”

“No, I don’t. I woke up and there were red and blue lights sparkling at me and then I got hauled into one of those big SUV’s.”
“Sure. What about the name Allison-”
“I'm sorry?” He spat, looking at me.
“So you do know her.”
“No, I don’t know an Allison.”
“What was that reaction about then?”

“I- I don’t know. I want a lawyer.”
“That’s gonna work out real well for you, won’t it Micheal?” I replied, shutting the case file.
“If you call me daddy like you used to, I'll answer your questions.” He smiled, reaching out to hold my hand.

I pulled my hand away again, reaching for Spencer’s hand. I placed our hands on top of the table, showing the grip he had on mine.

“I only call one person that, and it isn’t you,” I responded, looking over at Spencer, “If you answer our questions I might call you dad.”

Spencer swallowed, trying to keep his professional look. 

“Okay. Yeah I know Allie, she’s the woman I married when you started thinking you were gay,”
“Well sorry to disappoint, but clearly I wasn’t just thinking it.” I replied, rubbing my thumb in a circular motion on Spencer’s hands.
“What about two older men? One of them drives a black SUV but it belongs to Allison-”
“The car we used to drive around belongs to Allison’s sister.” 
“And who is she?”
“Never met her. Don’t know her name.”

“How about when you guys kidnapped Holly and mom, do you remember that?”
“I never kidnapped anyone. I never dropped off any letters-”
“But the people you rode around with did? That makes you an accomplice. Especially since you knew about it. So who were they?”
“I never got told any names. We could only refer to the boss as that, “the boss.” Him and Allie’s sister were together. They had two kids, a boy and a girl. The boy’s a little younger than you and the girl is 20 something.”

“What were their names?”
“I don’t know. He called the boy “TJ” and the girl “HJ” but I don’t know their actual names.” He replied.
“What about the other guy that was with you?”
“He cleared any purchases made on my card, he wiped security cam footage, he got us out of sticky situations, we called him “Savior”.”
“What was his actual name?”
“Theodore. The boss called him Teddy.”

I looked over at Spencer who nodded his head, signaling we had what we needed.

“One last question, where did he grow up?”

“They were all born here in DC. They were about the same age as each other. The guys at atleast. The boss was forty… eight, I think? And Savior was two years younger. Allie’s sister was the youngest. She was 38.”

“What about the drug?” Spencer asked, writing down what he told us.
“Drug? I don’t know about no drugs.”
“Okay.” I replied, walking out of the room.
“Jasper! You didn’t call me dad!” He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You lost that privilege a long time ago.” I replied, wrapping my arm around Spencer’s waist.

Hotch laughed as Micheal slammed his fist into the table.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Something about grown men throwing fits makes me laugh,” Hotch replied, “Also, that daddy comment-”
“Don’t. I don’t know why I said that.” I said, sticking my hand up.
“So it’s not true?”
“I wouldn’t tell you if it was.” I answered, walking out of the interrogation room. Emily, JJ, and Rossi were talking in the round table room.
“You guys get anything?”

“Yeah, Garcia found our mystery woman. Only 6 of the women were DC natives and only 3 of them had sisters who were named Allison, but surprisingly your dad and Allison’s marriage was actually official, so this woman– Gabriella Hayes– she’s the woman.”

“Wait a minute, what?”
“Gabriella Hayes? Do you know her?”
“She was Holly’s doctor. She’s also my mom’s doctor.”
“Call the hospital. Now.”

I pulled out my phone, dialing the number of the hospital. She better still be there.
I'm so hilarious !!
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