Chapter Forty-four

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We showed the bouncer our IDs, walking into the building. I brought him to a club I had been to before, somehwere I knew there was an easy place to go in case he got too overhwelemed.

“Let’s get drinks first, okay? I need to drink something if I’m gonna be here.”
“I doubt it’ll be that bad.”
“You’ve never been to a club, have you?” I asked, nodding to the bartender.

She was always working when I came, she knew what I wanted each time. Spencer didn’t want to drink so we just stood at the bar, waiting for mine.

“No, I haven’t. Not willingly at least.” 
“Exactly, clubs can be a lot. Why’d you wanna come to one anyway?”
“I thought I’d enjoy it more with you.”
“I barely even like driving by them, but thanks for the sentiment.”

I wrapped my arm around his waist, keeping him in close contact with me. I didn’t trust myself at a bar with all of the people around, I didn’t want him to have to deal with a place like this. But he did want to come here. The bartender, who I knew as Melanie, handing me two margaritas and I handed her a $10 dollar bill, making my way to the nearest table. I placed my hand on the small of Spencer’s back, handing him one of my drinks. I pushed him along the crowded walkways, gesturing him to the table. I quickly drank one of the margaritas, putting it off to the side before drinking the other.

“You drank those quick.”
“I do every time, I need alcohol to deal with this place.”
“Why did you bring me here if you don’t like it?”
“Because it’s the only club where I know the layout.”

I hopped of the table, grabbing Spencer’s hand and directing him to the dance floor. The floor wasn’t as crowded as it usually is, but that made it easier to dance. I grabbed his hand spinning him around with my other hand on his side. He laughed, trying to avoid stepping on my feet. He looked more focused on that than the actually dance. His entire body was tense, and I could tell he wasn’t really enjoying it.

“Spence, we can go home if you arne’t having fun.”
“I am having fun, it’s just overwhelming.”
“Yeah, I know. Relax, okay? It’ll be fine.”

He nodded, and I could see his shoulders starting to relax. 

“There we go, just follow my lead.” 

I kept his body close to mine, wrapping my hand in his. I placed our hands over his chest, swaying side to side. I hadn’t actually brought anybody here, I always came alone, but it was nice to have someone to dance with.

“You know, I think I’ll take a drink.”

I laughed softly, leading him off of the floor. 

“Could I get a margarita and a..” I said, looking over at Spencer.
“A bloody mary.” 

The woman nodded, walking to the back to make our drinks.

“Bold choice, I don’t think I’ve seen you drink anything other than vodka or wine. I barely see you drink anything actually.”
“I don’t feel the need to drink alcohol often, especially because of the taste. I’m not big on it.”
“I get that, I’ve just grown to tolerate it. I try not to drink often though.” I said, taking our drinks from Melanie and paying. 

We sat down at the table closest to the door, the one we had been sitting at before. Spencer took very small sips of his drink, looking awkwardly around the room after each sip. 

“You look like you’re waiting for someone.” I said.

“I’m not, it just feels awkward. What if Morgan sees me here? This looks like a place he’d frequent. I’ll never live this down.” He mumbled, taking a bigger sip.

“You just don’t want Morgan to know you’re at a place like thiis?”

I laughed, taking the final sip of my drink and setting the glass off to the e side. 

“Can we leave? I know we’ve only been her one hour and 46 minutes, but it’s overwhelming.”
“Of course we can. I didn’t even think you'd stay this long so I book us dinner reservations.”
“For what time?”

“We’ve got 30 minutes to get there.” He said, looking at his watch.
“It’ll only take me 15.” I winked, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the club. 

We made it to my car and I drove off, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant.

“I’ve never been here before.”

“It’s a really nice place. They have seats in the back that are made for dates and there aren’t many of them, so maybe it’ll be less overwhelming for you.” I reassured, rubbing his arm as I interlocked ours, walking into the restaurant.

“Hi, I had a reservation under the name Jasper.”
“Right this way.” The woman gestured, sending us off with an older man, maybe in his late 40s. 

We sat down in a table in the far back, mainly separated from everything else. We ordered our drinks and an appeetizer while we looked over the menu. I already knew what I wanted, I had been here a few times before with my mom and Holly, but I wanted to give Spencer time to order. I knew if I said I was ready to order he’d just pick something random from the menu. When the waiter came back with our drinks, we ordered our food.  The service in this place was pretty quick, but they were also never understaffed. I worked here during college, it was the only way I was getting by, despite that most of my tuition was being paid for. 

“I know you wanted to keep everything about the case quiet during this date but Hotch just told me that garcia was able to find out that Evera had 2 kids. A boy and a girl. The girl was the youngest, she was 6. The boy was a bit older, around 10.”

“The girl was probably the inspiration for the flower then, right? But what about the boy?”

“The boy died of some kind of cancer 2 years ago, she then wiped everything about her daughter from everywhere she could and essentially became a hobbit.”

“I still feel like she should be making something in representation of her son, considering he passed.”
“You’d think soo, but nothing any of them have done is logical.”

I nodded, making room in front of me for my plate the waiter was sitting down. We didn’t talk about the case for the rest of the night, not until we got home at least. When I opened my front door, Aaron, who I forgot I gave a key to, was stood with the rest of the tream in my lliving room, talking loudly about something. All of our security details were outside too, it looked like someone had died.

“Guys?” I asked, opening my front door. “What’s going on?”

“They found the boss and apparently the rest of the team too. I feel like we got our answers way too quick, but I’m glad it’s over.” Emily smiled, looking over at JJ.

She had a thing for JJ, that was common knowledge, well to me, but nobody really talked about it. JJ was the only one who didn’t know, somehow. They all crowded me, wrapping there arms around me. I wasn’t big on group hugs, but in cases like this, they felt needed. I placed one of my arms around Spencer and the other around Garcia, who was holding Holly. We pulled apart, the only thing I could see was the warm smiles on everyone’s faces. It was finally over.
A sprinkle of Jemily!!

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