Chapter Twenty-nine

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!!This chapter contains a little bit of a spolier for later seasons!!
We walked out of the museum, falling sluggishly into the seats of the car. The museum was a lot bigger than I thought it was, we didn’t make it out until almost 8pm, but it was fun.

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked, pulling myself up.
“I did. It was really, really, long but it was really fun, too.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Do you want me to drive by your place so you can grab some clothes or are you gonna head home?”
“Do you care if I stay another night?” He asked.
“Obviously not, Spence.” I said, placing a soft kiss on the back of his hand.
“Great. Let’s drive by my place then.”

I sat in the parking lot as Spencer grabbed what he needed from his apartment. I tapped my feet impatiently against the floorboard, waiting for him to come back. At some point, my passenger door flung open, causing me to jump.

“Jesus,” I replied, gripping onto the wheel.
“Sorry,” He laughed, placing his small bag onto the floorboard.
“Do you have everything?”

I smiled, driving to my house. I pulled into my driveway, quickly climbing out of my car. Spencer followed closely behind me, opening the door for me. Holly jumped onto my leg, pawing at my pants.

“What’s wrong Holly?” I asked, pulling her into my arms.

She whined at my door, looking at me like there was something I was supposed to see. 

“Let’s go outside for a minute.” I said, setting her down.

I grabbed her leash, hooking it onto her collar. Spencer stood confused at the door as I walked her out. She tried running off to the forest, but I pulled her back.

“Spence! Call Hotch!” I yelled, trying to keep Holly back.
“What’s going on?” He called back.
“Just call the team please!”

I pulled her back inside, but she kept whining. I sat her up on the counter so she could look out the window, but it didn’t seem to be cutting it for her.

“Hotch said they’d be down in about 5 minutes.”
“But I live almost 30 from the office.”
“Morgan’s driving.”
“Ah, makes sense.” I replied, trying to keep an eye on Holly.

Spencer came and stood beside me, looking out of the window. I kept bringing my attention to his waist, his sweatpants were insanely distracting. They shouldn’t have been, but god it was hard to focus anywhere else. He didn’t wear sweatpants often, but I think he needed to.

“Jasper?” He smiled.
“Quit staring, at least make it less obvious,” He joked.
“I’m so sorry,” I replied, blocking my face, “I didn’t realize I was staring.”

He moved my hands from my face, using his to hold my face as he pressed a soft kiss against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him into a deeper kiss. The taste of the honey chapstick he borrowed ran into my mouth as I softly bit his bottom lip. He moaned into the kiss, pressing his body against mine. I could feel his bulge through the fabric of his pants. I moved my arms up to his neck, running them through his hair, pulling softly at certain spots. Holly whined and I pulled my body from his.

“We’re not done here,” I said, picking up Holly.
“We better not be.” He mumbled, his sentence was barely coherent. 

There was a pink tint across his face that he tried to hide with his hands. God he was so attractive. 

“I hope whoever’s out there got a few good shots of that.” I joked, winking at him as I put Holly on the ground.

Hotch busted open my door not long after with the team behind him.

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