Chapter Twenty-seven

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I had fall asleep some time during our research, I wasn’t sure when or how, but I wasn’t in the conference room anymore. I opened my eyes, surrounded by Rossi’s office. I was moved to his couch. Who the hell moved me?

“What the hell,” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.
“Morning.” Rossi said, flipping through some papers in his hand.
“Hey,” I replied, pushing myself up, “How’d I get here?”
“Morgan and Hotch put in a group effort after you fell asleep.” He answered.
“Okay then. How long was I asleep?”

“It’s currently 8 pm, you fell asleep at noon. Yesterday.”
“Are you kidding me?” I groaned.
“Can you catch me up?”

He laughed a bit, flipping the last piece of paper he had into the bin beside him. 

“Your roommate from college Alex, his real name wasn’t Theodore, but his brother’s name was. His brother got into some severe trouble while you guys were in college and nobody had heard from him for 8 years, he suddenly resurfaced 2 years ago and then disappeared again last year. Garcia found him because fortunately, there’s a birth certificate of him. But other than that we couldn’t find anything.” 

“Did you find an address for TJ? Or anything on his dad?”
“We found his dad. His name is Jaxon Jackson.”
“His name is what?” I said.

“That’s what we said. He was a janitor at your college and he got into some big legal trouble after the last report TJ filed against you. Somehow though, the entire court order was just gone after he was released.”

“How do we know it's him? Jackson is a pretty common last name.”

“He has two children, a son and a daughter. While that could be a ton of other Jackson’s with a son and daughter, but this is the only one who worked at your college.

“Alright. What else?”
“That’s it,” He replied.
“That’s it? I was asleep what, an entire day?” 
“I know. I wish we had made more progress too but these guys are good.”

I groaned, pushing myself up and making my way to the conference room.

“These guys may be good, but we’re better. We’ll get them.”

The thing is, I didn’t even know that was true. When I opened the door, the entire team looked confused.

“I didn’t think you’d wake up for a while.” Emily said, taking a piece of paper off of the large stack on the table.
“What’s that stack of paper?” I asked.
“Possible connections to a man named Jaxon Jackson. We think-” Spencer started.
“Yeah, Rossi updated me. What do you guys have on him?”
The rest of the team exchanged a look I had been seeing a lot of lately. 
“Uhm,” JJ replied, clearing her throat, “Honestly not much. I’m guessing Rossi told you about his charges and his sentence randomly disappearing.”
“Yeah he did.”

Anderson walked in with a file in his hand, giving it to Aaron.

“What’s that?” Morgan asked.

“Lab report for the drug,” Hotch answered, “And it looks like Holly was right. There’s ketamine mixed with scopolamine, but they only found air particles of the scopolamine. And an unlisted drug, which means it's homemade or something that’s flown under the radar.”

“So they probably have a building they can use. Did Garcia find any property listed under TJ’s or Jaxon’s name?”

“No. None that popped up in our initial search but I’m having her find the sister’s identity and look for properties owned by her. We’re thinking she might’ve been one of the new members.” Hotch replied.

“Okay great. What can I do?”
“Actually, you’re taking a break. Spencer’s gonna take you back to your place and you are gonna take a day or two off of this case.”
“Hotch you know I can’t do that.”
“Strauss’ order. Sorry Jasper. If we get a break we’ll call you.”
“Hotch, I’m not taking a break.”
“Yes, you are. This case is getting to you. And that’s fine. But it’s important-”
“Aaron. Stop. You're damn right this case is getting to me but I’m no good sitting on my ass doing nothing.”

“That’s what you're gonna be doing for the next couple days. You and Spencer. You’re gonna find a way or Strauss’ might take your badge. Go.” He demanded, pointing out the door. 

I turned on my heel, walking down to the elevator. Spencer followed behind me, but kept his distance. When we walked into the elevator, I saw him open up to the final pages in the book I gave him. I watched him flip the final page, reading the note I wrote. I had forgotten I asked him to be my boyfriend. Maybe Hotch was right. Maybe I did need a break. 

“Yes.” He replied, placing the book back in his satchel.
“I will be your boyfriend.”

I smiled at him, walking off to my car. When I opened the driver’s door, I slammed my head into the headrest. When I pulled into my driveway, Spencer had already beat me. I unlocked my front door, opening to find my dog Holly bouncing around. I came by every night to feed her and play a little, but I could tell she missed me.

“Hey puppy, how’s it going?” I asked, picking her up.

We played around for a minute before I pulled two glasses out of my cabinet.

“I know you don’t drink that much so do you want water or something?” I asked, taking the wine down.
“Yeah, water’s fine.”

I made him a glass of water and me a glass of wine, bring it over to him. He pursed his lips, taking the class from me.

“You okay?” I asked, taking a long sip of my drink.

He nodded, smiling softly at me.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” I asked.
“Sure. We should watch a horror movie.”
“Did- did you just suggest a horror movie? I’m gonna turn one on before you change your mind.”
“I actually enjoy horror movies, they just make me jumpy.” 
“Yeah, trust me I know.” I joked.

I glanced over at his hand, deciding if I should ask to hold his hand or not. Why did I not care to kiss him, but I cared about holding his hand?

“You can hold my hand. I don’t care.”
“You kept glancing over at my hand.”

I hid my face in my hand. God, that was awkward. He pulled my hands from my face, planting a soft kiss on my lips before taking my hand into his, laying his head on my shoulder.

“God you’re so pretty.” I said.
“Shut up.”
Some cuteness to make up for everything

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