Chapter Twenty-four

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She opened up my file from college, it was a police report.

“Police report?” I said, my voice shooting up, “I never filed a police report, and I don’t know about one filed against me..”

“That’s because it was never approved. There was evidence against it,” Garcia replied, pointing to the spot down at the bottom, “Anyway, this was from a party during your first year at college. A guy named Travis Johnson, or TJ, filed a physical assault report against you. He said that you came up to him during the party and started hitting him unprovoked.”

I narrowed my eyes at the paper. I never attended any parties during college, and I never got into any fights.

“I never went to any parties.” I replied.

“That’s what this part says–” She replied, picking back up the case file, “According to his two roommates Alex Conners, and Vincent Young they were all three out at the library studying, confirmed by security cameras and the librarian.”

“Wait, Alex? His real name wasn’t Alex, it was something else. I don’t remember what but his mom never referred to him as Alex.”
“I’ll look at that, maybe he’s our Theodore.” Garcia said, walking off to her office.
“We’ve got the boss’ problem with me, maybe Theodore’s, but what was Gabriella’s problem with me?” I asked.

“Speaking of Gabriella, she’s been in custody the last 24 hours. We’re charging her with accomplice to kidnapping and attempted murder. We got an official statement from her confessing to it all, but she didn’t give up any names. All we have left is to locate these guys and figure out the boss’ identity.” 

I almost forgot to mention the new people.

“Actually,” I said, “We have 4 to 5 more identities to figure out.”
“When Morgan and I got grabbed there were at least 4 new people who surrounded us. I don’t remember their faces because of the scopolamine–”
“Maybe it was the scopolamine making you see new people, it could be our original group.”
“There were 2 women. Obviously, that’s still plausible, but I don’t think it was.”
“Damn Jasper, how many people have you pissed off?” Emily asked.
“Too many apparently,” I replied, “And one of them was a little older than me, maybe 5 years or so? He had a New Orleans accent.”
“I’ll talk to Will. Speaking of him, didn’t he drop you guys off?”
“He did.”

I looked over at Morgan who was panicky searching his pockets.

“Dammit.” He said, pressing his fist into his leg.
“What?” Spencer asked.
“The drug, we had a syringe of it but I guess I left it in Will’s car.”
“I’ll call him and ask him to bring it.” JJ replied, walking off with the phone up to her ear.

Rossi and Hotch split off to Hotch’s office, taking the job of finding any more reports filed against me or any complaints I filed. Morgan and Emily walked up to the conference room to go over what we knew, leaving Spencer and I down in the lobby.

“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah. Now I am.” I replied, smiling at him.
“Can I hug you?” He asked almost immediately, “I should’ve asked earlier before I did. I was just happy that you were back–”
“Spence, it’s okay. You don’t have to ask to hug me.” 

He wrapped his arms around my neck again, burying his face in the place between my shoulder and neck. I laughed softly, returning the hug. I pressed his body against mine, a sharp pain seared across my abs, but I ignored it. We separated, walking up to the conference room with Derek and Emily.

“Pretty long hug, huh?” Derek teased, lightly pushing Spencer’s shoulder.
“Shut up,” He said, “Have you guys made any “groundbreaking” discoveries?” 

Derek laughed, pointing to the photo of my dad.

“Him. Michael Cane. There was nothing that popped up initially, but it’s possible he had another son, or kid in general, other than him and Holly. It might be a long shot, but we were thinking about having Garcia delve into any possible adoptions or any sealed records.”

“Okay. He or she won’t be any older than me, at least they shouldn’t be. I’m the oldest out of my siblings.”
“So don’t go back more than 30 years?”
“Got it.” he replied, walking out of the room and shooting a weird glance at Emily.
“Did you find anything? Or have anything to add?”
“Uhm I’m having Garcia print out the photos of our TJ and HJ, as well as find their dad but he’s done well at keeping himself from the public eye.”

“What I don’t understand is why now? I’ve been in the BAU for 6 years and most of these people’s grudges happened a decade ago or more, so it’s not out of convenience. I’ve not done anything that puts me personally in the public eye. I haven’t talked to these people since I left college. It’s just not making sense to me.”

“Spencer?” Emily replied, pointing at him.
“What?” I replied, squinting my eyes at her.
“You and Spencer. You guys went out and it was pretty obvious before then that you had a thing for him.”

“But none of their grudges are relationship-based. And they still would’ve needed to be stalking me before then to know that meaning something else had to have happened between college and now.”

“Maybe this started as a solo mission. Maybe the boss was in jail during that time and he got out, something happened between him and his son and he sought you out to fix it, but there could’ve been something stopping him. Maybe he can’t be near federal buildings or he has an injury? So he posted that original message about you on whatever that board thing was and waited for people to agree, then he went from there.” Emily suggested.

“I like how that sounds. Not really, but from a progress point.” I said.
“When Morgan comes back I’ll send him back to Garcia.”

I nodded, looking across the whiteboard and cork boards filled with information. How could we have so much information yet have made so little progress? 

“Spencer, do you have anything to add? You’ve been out of it since you did that private call or whatever. What happened?”
“Nothing. Nothing happened. I just hated seeing him tied up and stuff.”
“Uh-huh,” Emily said, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, “So you don’t have anything to add?”

“It’s possible the new members don’t have a grudge against him and are either getting paid or blackmailed into helping, they’d be easier to find and they’d be more likely to give up information. You said there were 4 to 5 of them, right?”

“That I could see, but there’s a chance there were more.”
“Alright. I want to take you through a cognitive in a minute if that’s okay with you.” He said.
“Yeah, that’s fine. Whatever I have to do to catch these sons of bitches.” I mumbled.

Morgan walked back in with a single piece of paper.

“What’s that? Find a mystery child?” I asked.
“Yeah. But not from 30 years ago, from 40.”
“I’m sorry? I didn’t grow up with any siblings.”
“Yeah, we know. That’s because Your mom was 16 and your dad was 21.”
“What? That’s gross, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Your dad was in jail for those 10 years between you and your brother’s birth, and your grandparents didn’t want to raise a baby, so he got put up for adoption. Then when your dad got out of jail, he found your mom but without their son. Then you happened.”

“I was a replacement? For a bad decision Michael made?”
“Seems like it. But,” He said, waving the paper, “Your dad was sending a bunch of money through an unofficial server up until about 4 to 5 months ago.”
“Right around the time I got the first letter. So is the other kid involved too? Does he hate me for having something he didn’t get to have?”
“Maybe, but the thing is, Garcia can’t track down the son. Obviously it’s Garcia, so we’ll get an address soon, but it’s taking a while for her to crack it.”
“Do we have any leads on anyone else?”
“TJ.” he replied, pulling a case file from underneath his jacket.

He tossed two separate case files with tons of paper in them onto the table.

“There’s a lot to go through but–”
“Give me about 7 minutes.” Spencer smiled, picking up one of the files.

Derek scoffed and laughed a little.
I felt like posting another chapter today :p

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