Chapter Thirty-four

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They walked around the fountain cautiously, poking it with a metal rod that Rossi brought. I wasn’t sure what it did but there was some kind of meter on the side. He kept poking the side of the fountain before the meter lit up, a bright red color. Rossi pushed the rod down, mumbling something to Luke. Garcia, Holly, and I were still standing inside so it was really hard to hear, but Luke jumped to the other side of the fountain, taking the sharp end of the rod and sticking it between a gap in the concrete and Penelope’s fountain.

“I hope this doesn’t break it,” She frowned, watching as he dug the rod into the gap.
“I doubt it, I’m not sure what they are using but your fountain is pretty cemented into the ground.”

I checked the clock, it was nearing 9pm, I usually went to bed about now. I’m hoping they don’t find anything that bad out there. I thought back to the voicemail again, “Check your door before you go to sleep, my god, child don’t you weep.”

What could possibly be out there that would make me cry? I know Holly and my mom are safe, Holly is with me, all of the BAU members have been accounted for, Hotch and Jack are safe. There’s nobody that could be out there. If it was an item, I don’t care that much about the things I own. He managed to push the piece of concrete with the rod, revealing an item I couldn't see. He and the rest of the team shared an awkward glance before he pulled it from the ground. He moved the piece of concrete again, revealing a chest similar to the one in the storage shed. It had a similar lock that bounded the three chests, but this one looked more complicated. It clearly wasn't heavy as Luke brought it in with no problems, setting it softly on Garcia's table.

"Should I open it?" I asked, looking at the weird lock. 
"I'll grab some wrenches." Rossi said, walking back out with Spencer.
I tried lifting the lid slightly, to peer inside, but it wouldn't budge.
"I think one of the members has to have some knowledge with locks. He's either a previous locksmith or a current one. I saw a similar lock in the shed I got locked in." I said.

Spencer walked back in with the wrenches, placing one on either side and slamming it down, causing the first lock to fall. It revealed a second lock with a weirdly shaped keyhole.

“What the hell is meant to open this?”
“We’ll just use the wrenches.”
“Those won’t work,” I said, “You see this gap on the side of this lock? It’ll prevent the wrenches from snapping it.”
“Do you have experience in locksmithing?” Emily asked jokingly.

“My mom does. She worked for a locksmithing company for over 3 years before she became a nutritionist.”
“Oh,” Spencer replied, pursing his lips, “What do we need then?”
“Rossi, do you have a cross peen hammer? It’ll be flat with a bit of bend at the end.”
“I’ll just bring my toolbox.” He said, blinking twice at me before walking out.

I tried taking a look at the lock that was clipped beneath it, but the chains were blocking it. The way the chains were bound to the chest and the locks suggested that the four chains were connected to all 3 locks, meaning if I could take off the chains that the other locks would fall.  That would work if they were the kind of chains you could buy at a hardware store, but these were made out of a different material. They almost looked handmade.

“Someone on this team has to have experience in crafts, I’ve seen several things that have to be handmade but they aren’t something you accidentally make when you are messing around with materials,” I said, “Morgan said the bullets they had were handmade, I think these chains are, and all of the locks I’ve seen have been manipulated in some way.”

“So we need to look at craftsmen?” Emily asked.
“Yeah. I wanna stick with local businesses for now. Garcia, do you think you could do that?”
“I’ll grab my laptop,” She smiled.

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