Chapter Twenty-eight

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I woke up on the couch with Spencer underneath my arm. I slowly moved up, trying my best not to wake him. When I successfully climbed off the couch I grabbed my phone, taking a photo of him. I laughed softly, walking over to my kitchen to make breakfast. According to my clock, it was 11am, but I’ll eat breakfast whenever I want. I stared at the carton of eggs in my fridge, ultimately deciding to just make a bowl of cereal. I poured the lucky charms into the bowl, pouring some milk over them.

I took some slow bites, still trying to wake myself up. When Spencer got up I was gonna take him to grab some coffee and take Holly on a walk. I cleaned off my bowl, placing it into my sink before walking up the stairs to get changed. I wasn’t sure what to do with my break, so I was gonna go to the park with holly. The park near where I live has a dog park and Holly loves it there. Holly was laying on the top of the stairs, immediately running down them when she saw me.

“Hey Holly, wanna go to the dog park? Of course you do.” I smiled, running my hand against her fur.

I threw on a dress shirt and a pair of black pants, folding the sleeves of the shirt to my elbows. It was a little fancy for a park, but it worked. I pulled the leash from my nightstand and made my way over to where Holly was. I clipped it onto her collar, walking with her downstairs. When I made it down there, Spencer was sitting up. He looked like he’d been awake for a minute.

“Hey Spence.” I said.
“Hey,” he replied, “Where are you guys going?”
“I thought you were still asleep so we were gonna go for a walk and then to the dog park.”
“Oh okay.”
“Do you wanna come with us? When we came back I was gonna ask if you wanted to grab coffee but this makes it easier.”
“Uh sure. I’ve gotta drive to my place so I can change but I can meet you guys at the dog park. You’re going to the one just off road right?’
“Yeah, that’s where we’re going.” I smiled.

He stood up, pulling his keys from my hook.

“Spencer.” I said, walking over to him.

I kissed his cheek, ruffling his hair as I pulled away. He playfully rolled his eyes, walking outside. I waited for his car to start before Holly and I followed out, starting our short jog to the park. When we made it, there were a lot less people than there usually are, but we hadn’t been over here in a while, so maybe others did the same. I closed the gate behind me, letting her run free over the dog stuff. There’s two swing sets inside of the dog area, meant to occupy you while you let your dog play around.

I sat in one of the swings, swinging to where my legs still hit the ground. Holly ran around the treatpit– yes, there was a pit of treats– hesitantly taking one before continuing her run across the platforms again. She jumped through the small hoop before running between the bob-and-weave obstacles. She enjoyed this park. I had zoned out watching her play that I didn’t notice the older woman beside me. She had a small, yorkshire terrier who was running beside Holly. 

“Awh, pretty dog.”
“Thank you sweetheart. His name is Angel.”
“Where did you get the name?”

“Well, my kidneys gave out on me about a year ago and my husband bought me him during my surgery. When I saw him I just knew it was all gon’ be okay, so I named him angel.”

“That’s a really sweet story.”
“What about yours?”
“Her name is Holly. I got her name from my little sister. They share the same name so it’s confusing sometimes but I don’t regret her name.”
“I wish I still had my siblings. I had an older brother, he passed away. Best brother ever though, I hope you’re a wonderful brother to your sister.”
“I try to be. And I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you hon. We’ve gotta get going but I hope you have a wonderful day.”

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