Chapter Thirty-three

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We closed up the case quickly, her shed had bloody tools and a chair with restraints on it, as well as a notebook detailing her plans for the next few murders. When I walked through the doors of the Bureau, getting ready to go home. Garcia walked up to me, her heels clicking the floor.

“Hey Pen, what’s up? You look scared.”
“Your dad– Micheal– he escaped the jail, somehow.”
“And I got this voicemail left on my phone, but the number is encrypted and I’m trying to encrypt it but it’s really hard. These guys are really really good.”
“It’s okay, can you just play the voicemail?” I sighed.

“I assured his release, next time your pain will increase. You finished this case, but you’re still in the race. Check your door before you go to sleep, my god, child don’t you weep.”

“Goddammit.” I mumbled.
“What?” Garcia asked.
“I got a letter, I’ll grab it in a second, it said not to tell anyone but I told Rossi. That only happened like 6 hours ago. How the hell do they know?” 

“I don’t know. I don’t know about any of this but we gotta give this stuff to Strauss. If it helps, the team she put on it has Luke and he says they’ve made some progress on the location of the boss.”

“It doesn’t help much, I just want this to be over. At least they’ve made some progress, I guess.” I said.
“Just get some rest, please? I don’t want you to be alone so how about we have a sleepover at my place? And– I have a present.” She smiled.

I squinted my eyes and she walked off, rolling out a cart with a ton of bags on it as well as some boxes.

“Garcia…” I said.
“There are, I think, 11 gifts? And 4 packages too. So 15.” She smiled, “I would’ve gotten more but–”

“Because I knew you were sad and this was how I wanted to make you happy. Also because Strauss wants to take you off for a week now so I wanted to make the news a little better.”

“She wants to take me off again?”
“Yes. She said when you were doing your evaluation you seemed “too angry” to work.”
“I’m not going to. She’s gonna have to fire me before I take another break.”

“She’s already put in the monetary break time, you are kinda supposed to be gone like right now. And I was tasked with baby sitting you. So you will stay at my place,” She said, dragging the cart, “But I convinced her to let you come to work with me.”

“I don’t need a babysitter. I’m not 12.”
“I know, but I can’t argue with her. She’s so bleh and it isn’t worth it.” She replied, pursing her lips.
“Yeah I know.”
“We have deliveries to make to your house and get Holly so that we can get to my home!” She smiled, throwing some bags on her arm.

When we got to my house, we sat down the bags, taking everything out so I could look at them. She got me 8 books, 2 drawing kits, way too many coupons, and some new shirts.

“Pen, where did you get the money for this?”
“I had some help,” She stuttered, a soft smile spread across her lips.
“Luke Alvez help?”
“No. Why would you think that?”
“Nice try Garcia, I’m not stupid.”
“I beg to differ.”
“Rude!” I joked, lightly hitting her arm.

She smiled, helping me put up my books and everything else. I slid my coupons into a drawer before another envelope caught my eye. It was one I had already opened, I could tell from the even more ruined seal, and the missing letter, but something about the envelope stuck out. I pulled it from behind my coffee pot, flipping it around. An eyeliner mark was created along the seal in a small heart. I grabbed the rest of them, they didn’t have it. I wrote that down in a notepad I kept in my bag, putting it back where I had it.

“You ready?”
“Yeah.” I smiled, clicking Holly’s leash onto her collar. 

I put her in her kennel, setting her in the front seat of my car as Garcia and I left. Emily had brought her to work this morning, so her car was still at her place. When I pulled into her driveway, Holly started whining.

“What’s wrong Holly?” I said, slowly taking her out. 

I brought her out of her kennel, pulling her along by her leash. She kept resisting, trying to dig her paws into the dirt.

“Holly, what?”

She kept whining, trying to get back into the car.

“I think there’s something at your house. Near your fountain.”
“Why do you say that?” She said, shuffling over to me.
“Holly, she won’t walk over there. When I tug on her leash she whines and digs her feet into the dirt. She doesn’t do that.”
“Maybe it's because she’s never been here?”
“She’s never like this at new places.”
“Uhm, let’s just walk. But let’s avoid my fountain.” She hesitated, tip-toeing around the concrete. 

I followed her steps, pulling Holly in the same direction. We made it inside and I unclipped Holly’s leash. She started running around, pawing at the door occasionally.

“I think we should call Hotch.” I said, watching her paw at the door.
“He’s spending time with Jack, I don’t want to ruin that.”
“Then we’ll call Rossi, and the rest of the team, plus Luke.” I smiled, dialing Rossi’s number.

I told him what was going on, watching Garcia hesitantly dial Luke’s number. We finished calling everyone, waiting for them to pull in. It didn’t take long for Luke, Emily, and JJ to show up. Luke walked inside with Emily and JJ behind him.

“What’s going on?” He asked.
“Holly, she keeps acting weird. She didn’t want to walk near the fountain and know she’s pawing at the door. She doesn’t act like this.” I replied.

“When the rest of the team gets here I want to investigate the fountain, but be careful. A part of the voicemail that Garcia got was, “Check your door before you go to sleep” or something like that and I don’t really want to find out if the girl was talking about Garcia’s house or mine.”

“She got a voicemail?” Emily asked, the three of them looking at her.
“I sent it to Strauss and she said she was going to show it to the team tomorrow,” She said, “And have you guys made any progress on the location of the boss?”
“No, because she won’t let us do anything other than that. But the central D.C. area is what we have so far.”
“As long as you guys are kind of there I guess. But do better, I hate this case.” She frowned.

Rossi and Spencer walked into Garcia’s house, looking around the area. 

“What did you need? Is there another letter?”
“No, but Holly is acting really weird about the fountain and this might be a bit extreme but she doesn’t act like this and I didn’t want to risk anything.”
“We’ll check it out. What exactly do you think is there?”
“I don’t wanna say it, but it’s gotta be something bad enough that Holly didn’t want to be there.”
“A body?”
“I really hope not, but I just want to make sure it isn’t a land mine.”
“Got it.”
Another break x

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