Chapter Thirty-seven

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Spencer walked inside,  glancing at Htoch from the corner of his eye. They pulled out not long after, leaving Spencer and I together.

“Hi,” I said, picking at the skin between my fingers.
“Can we talk? Please?”
“I made coffee,” I said, walking into the kitchen to grab the cup I prepared for him, “Here.”

I sat down at the far end of my couch, making room for him to sit.

“Let’s watch a movie first, okay?”
“What movie do you want to watch?”
“I don’t know.”
“Pick something. Please.”

He grabbed the remote from the arm of the chair, turning on some kind of documentary. He put his arm on the arm of the chair, leaning on the palm of his hand. He was keeping his distance from me. I placed my hand behind his head, playing with his hair.

“Will you please act like you aren’t upset with me?”

He moved his body, leaning his head onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his back, softly running my hand up and down the side of his thigh. Around the middle of the documentary, he stood up.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”
“Okay. I’ll pause this.”
“No it’s okay, I’ve seen it before.”
“You sure?”

He walked up the stairs, the echo of the door shutting behind him shook the railway on my stairs. I laid my head on the back of the couch, closing my eyes as I waited for him to come back down. When he walked down, I lifted my head back up, moving my arm around his neck to play with his hair.

“Your hair is getting curly again,” I said, flipping the ends of it where it had started to curl.
“Yeah I need to get it cut.”
“Your curls are really cute though,” I frowned, “But you look good no matter what you do.”

I kissed the top of his head, continuing to lightly pull at pieces of his hair. As the movie ended, he pulled away from me, sitting at the opposite end of the couch. I moved my body to face his, turning off the TV.

“I don’t want this to look like a therapy session, but this is the easiest way. What is the problem here?” I asked.

“You and Luke. You don’t hug me when he’s around, you barely even interact with me with he’s nearby, you never call me spence when he’s around, and you’re so focused on where he’s at at all times.”

“Okay,” I started, unsure of how to respond, “I get why that bothers you, it’s understandable, but Spencer, I don’t mean to do any of that stuff. The last one, I can’t defend at all because I know that I do ask where he is a lot of the time, but it’s nothing. And I rarely ever hug you when others are around anyway, but I will start hugging you more when he’s around.”

“That’s another thing. We’ve been together for 7 months and 23 days, yet none of our friends know about us. You asked to keep us secret and that was something I was okay with for a while, but I don’t like staying quiet about us. I want to be able to say my boyfriend when I’m talking about you, I want to stop pretending that we aren’t together.”

“I understand that, too, but I just wanted us to be private because there’s not a lot of that in this job. I didn’t want it to become a big thing, I don’t care that they know that I like you, but us dating? I want to keep that private, at least until we get a substantial break in the case.”

“You weren’t private about you and Luke. Or any of your relationships beyond the bureau.”

“I was private about Luke. Him and I had dated for a full year before I told anyone, and the only people I told were Rossi, you, and Hotch. I kept it from everyone else because I trusted you 3 the most.”

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