Chapter Forty-one

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I pretended not to notice, it looked like the rest of the team was too. We were escorted out and driven back to our office. The three women were dressed in uniforms. We were escorted back in the police cars, the women told us our charges had been dropped by some “higher force.” I didn't like how easy it felt. We were barely there for 2 hours before our charges got dropped, it didn’t make any sense. When we made it to HQ, we thanked the women and made our way up to our office where Strauss was standing.

“Somehow, every single one of you decided to disobey my order and have been for a while.”

We all looked at each other, this didn’t feel like a good moment.

“However… You had good intentions. I’m not going to suspend or fire any of you, as long as you relay your information to me and let me relay it to my team. I don’t mind to continue letting Garcia help with the occasional help from the rest of you, as long as you promise to stay off of this case for the most part,” She said, pointing to each of us. “If you fail to listen, I’m gonna be forced to suspend the BAU.”

We all looked at each other, softly nodding to one another. If there was one thing we wanted less than to hand this case over, it was getting fired. We built a home here at the BAU, and we didn’t want that to be taken away because we got too close to a case. To be fair, this case was about me, we couldn’t get any closer.

“Yes ma’am.” Hotch said, signaling for us to nod. 

We all did, smiling as Erin left the room.

“Oh and please, take a break. Throw a party, get some drinks, do something. I will assign a unit to each of your homes, but just take a break.”
“Ma’am with all due respect–”
“Aaron, I wasn’t asking.” She smiled half heartedly at us, strutting down the stairs and into the ballpen. 
“I’ll catch her up on the case later but for now, I guess let's go out to drinks.”

“I could use one after the day I’ve had.” I replied.
“Did none of you realize who the two police officers were? I didn’t know the dark haired one but the other two–” 
“Maya Waterman and Evera Santos, right? Since when were they officers?” Derek interrupted.
“I don’t think they are. That’s another thing I’ll need to tell Strauss.” Hotch groaned.

As we reached the elevator, 10 of our finest, in many ways, on site officers walked to the other elevator. 8 of them to stay at our houses, 2 to come with us to get drinks. We went to our usual bar, the one where Rossi has a membership to. We walked in the doors, the officers following us. There were already security guards positioned outside, so our two followed us in. We ordered our shots and sat in the back booth that we always sat in. We even let the officers have a couple shots, but they were working so we didn’t give them too much. They sat at the table behind our booth, watching everybody that walked passed. We had shown them pictures of everyone we knew the appearance of, and they were on high alert. It came time for a second round, and I had to grab them. 

“Hey babe, do you wanna walk with me?” I asked, looking at Spencer.

I had forgotten we hadn’t told anyone and the whole team, minus Garcia and Hotch, stared at us, each sharing some kind of confused look.

“Yeah.” He smiled, standing up to walk with me.

One of the officers followed us, even helping us with the two trays of shots. We sat them on the table and decided to play a game of never have I ever. If you had, you had to take a shot, if you hadn’t, you were good. Spencer and I were sitting on the outside of the booth. We had hoped it would draw more attention to us if anyone had walked in, but it ended up drawing the wrong kind of attention.

“Excuse me,” 

The man who had walked up to our table was about 6’2, he had a dark complexion and an accent, he had dark brown eyes and a seemingly innocent smile. He was dressed in a dark colored business suit and a fake rolex.

“Yes?” I replied, smiling up at the man.

“I saw you sitting here and thought you looked attractive, anyway I could get your number?”

“Uh, I’ve got a boyfriend.” I laughed softly, looking over at Spencer who was shooting bullets into the man’s skin.
“Well I don’t see him anywhere.” 

I stared at the man for a second, did he really just say that?

“Yeah you do.” Spencer replied, downing one of the shots.
“I’m sorry?”
“You said you don’t see his boyfriend anywhere, yes you do.”
“You’re his boyfriend?” He laughed, looking at me like I needed saving.
“Yeah I am. So if you want to keep flashing that $2 “rolex” watch from some more than likely illegal website in order to bring a guy home, move on dude.”

The guy scoffed, rolling his eyes at Spencer before taking a large step back and over to his table. I looked up at Spencer who looked really annoyed but relaxed when he saw me looking at him. Emily and JJ were sharing a look at each other.

“Now that he’s gone, never have I ever… had sex in a public restroom.” JJ said.

I stared at the shot glass in front of me, awkwardly lifting it to my lips. Hotch did the same, followed by Emily and Derek.

“Really guys?? Come on.” She said.
“That’s really unsanitary.” Spencer mumbled.
“Nerd.” I replied, winking at him when he looked at me.

We were apparently given a curfew, so we had to leave the bar. Spencer came back to my place and the officer who had been positioned at his house came over to mine. She was in an unmarked car and sat farther down the road, where she could see the other officer's car and my house, both of which were lit up really well. I invited them both inside for dinner but they declined. Spencer and I were sitting on my couch, watching a random movie I played. He had his head laying on my lap, playing with the drawstrings of my sweatpants. 

“You know what I never did?”
“Hmm?” He mumbled, making me shift my position.
“Call my mom back after you got out of the hospital.”
“Go ahead and call her,” He smiled, starting to lift his head up.
“You can keep your head there.” I replied, playing with the end of his curls as he lowered his head.

I dialed my moms number twice before she answered the phone.

“Hey mom, how are you?”
“Hey sweetheart, I was starting to think you weren’t gonna call back.”
“Sorry, we got really caught up in this case.”
“I know, it’s okay,” She replied, her voice sounding weak. “Holly! Come say hi to your brother!”

I heard the sound of pitter-pattering down the stairs before hearing my little sister's voice.

“Hey brother. Whatcha doing?”
“Watching a movie with Spencer, decided to check in on you guys.”
“He your boyfriend yet?”
“He is. I thought I told you already?”

I could hear her smile from the other end of the phone.

“Well, we were about to go out and eat, I’ll call you back later?”
“Okay mom. I love you.”
“I love you too, honey. Goodbye Spencer.” 
“Goodbye.” Spencer smiled.

I hung up, putting my phone down beside me. I continued messing with his curls, barely paying any attention to the movie.

“I don’t think I told you this, but I loved the way you reacted to that guy. The one that was hitting on me.”

He sat up, wrapping his arms around my neck.

“Because you're my boyfriend.”
“I am. Always will be, unless you have some secret intentions.”

He crashed his lips into mine, running his hand slowly up and down my neck. I moved my down to his waist, pulling him in for a brief moment.

“No. I don’t.”

He flicked my nose, laying back down on my lap to finish the movie.
Some cute little moments
I keep forgetting to update this.

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