Chapter Four

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As Reid and I drove to the first victim's house, it was about 20 minutes away from the newest victim’s home, I decided I’d ask him.

“Hey Spence?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.
“Yeah?” He replied.
“This might be kind of vague, but did you happen to tell Emily and Morgan something that I might be related to? They both brought it up to me, but neither of them told me about it. Morgan told me to ask you though.”
“I don’t think so.” He replied, looking out of the car window.

As a profiler, you’d think I’d be able to pick up when he was lying, but his lack of hesitance when he replied made it unclear if he was lying or not.

“Okay. If you’re lying to me I’m gonna find out sooner or later.” I joked, watching for any movements that might give me a better idea.

He grabbed his knee, a lot of tension rose in his arms, and that told me almost everything I needed. Everything except what it was he told them.

“Well I said I don’t think so, not that I didn’t, but not that I did either.” He said.
“Okay.” I replied, walking into the first recent crime scene.

It looked the same as the most recent scene. Nothing was out of place or broken, no signs of a break in, it was oddly plain. The body had already been taken to the morgue but it was reported that the victim had a wound to the head and a stab wound through the stomach. As I flipped through the case file we were given, I only now realized that each victim went through the same thing.

“Does he hit them in their head to knock them out, and then stab them to kill them? That feels unnecessary, no?” I asked.
“He might feel guilt for killing them, which could be why he knocks them out. But if it is guilt, it would make sense for him to stab them first, and then knock them out after, since a stab wound would take a moment to kill someone.” Dr. Reid answered.
“No signs of a break in indicate that the victim felt comfortable to let them in or he forced them to let him in at gunpoint. Though if it is someone from the factory doing all of the killings, it would be understandable that they let him in willingly.”
“Should we still take a look at the other crime scenes or just tell Hotch?”
“Let’s just tell Hotch. The case file has everything about the other crime scenes and bodies so we can just refresh on the ride over.” He replied.

On the car ride over Spencer read me everything in the case file and everything we knew about all the other scenes and bodies. Each body suffered the same stab wound and head trauma, none of the houses had any signs of a break in, and each house was incredibly clean. We told Rossi everything we found at the crime scenes and on the bodies while we waited for Agent Hotchner and Morgan to tell us what they found at the other employees' houses.

“Hey Rossi?” Reid whispered, gesturing his head towards the conference room.

I looked up at the two who shuffled off to the conference room, leaving me with questions. I shook my head, the more I thought about it, the more questions I’d have. I got a call from Agent Hotchner just as they entered the room.

“Hey, what did you find out?” 
“Most of them answered the door but Vanessa and Everett didn’t. Francis got aggravated that the FBI was at his door and got somewhat aggressive.” Aaron informed. “Gracie and Hayleigh both said that Francis was one of the biggest advocates for the factory to shut down and he was often aggressive.”
“Anything else?”
“Not really. Gracie and Hayleigh were incredibly vague with their answers.”
“Alright, thanks.” I replied, hanging up.

Spencer and Rossi walked in the second I hung up, it felt weirdly planned. I shook it off again, telling the two everything I found out.

“I think we have enough for a profile, and I think we’ve got a suspect.” Rossi said.

We gathered our team as well as the local police and gave them the profile, and JJ hosted a press conference. When JJ finished the conference, we made our way to Francis’ house again, but this time we had a warrant. Morgan banged against the door, with no answer. He kicked the door in, and we began searching the house. The house was oddly clean, there was no out of place objects, not a single thing was broken, the tile of the kitchen looked like it had been cleaned recently, and all of the carpets looked like they had been vacuumed.

“This guy’s a neat freak…” Derek mumbled, keeping his gun up as he walked into the other rooms.
“We did say the killer was organized, and that he more than likely had OCD.” I replied, putting my gun into the holster as I knocked along the walls for a hidden compartment.
“Guys… Get in here!” Hotchner called.

We walked into a room with a ton of containers, at first, they seemed normal. Jewelry, cassette tapes, random trinkets. But then it got weird, brass knuckles, bronze blades, silver blades, ammunition, guns. This guy had more weapons than he did anything else. Each box had numbers on it, more than likely how many of each item was in the box. We didn’t have time to count, we were chasing a potential unsub. We continued checking around the house, inside and out, but we came up with nothing other than the box of weapons. 

“Why isn’t he home? I mean, just from kind of looking through the box of weapons it didn’t seem like anything was missing, so I don’t think he’s out killing. I know even murderers have lives but it’s almost 8:00.” I said, leaning against the doorframe.
“According to the officers, it was a regular knife that he used for the killings. And he only has 17, at least in the box. Why don’t we count them?” Aaron said, pulling down the box.

Morgan looked through the box as the rest of us stood off to the side. I looked around the room, trying to find anything that was slightly out of place. I noticed an oddly shaped mark on one of the bedroom walls. I walked over to it, knocking in the middle. I

“Guys there’s something here,” I said, pulling along the marks. 

I pulled on one of the sides and the piece of the wall fell into my hand, revealing another box with only a white piece of tape for the name. I put on my gloves, taking the box out. I opened the lid to find 8 pearl necklaces, markings along one side of them indicated they had been roughly pulled from the neck. The grandma-esk wall tiles had blood red floral patterns that gave me an uneasy feeling as I looked through the rest of the box. 3 of the necklaces had red spots on them, that I could only assume was blood.

“Guys,” I said, showing them what was in the box.
“Are those from the victims? Nothing was missing from the bodies though, right?” Spencer said.
“I don’t remember reading about it. Maybe he got them from a jewelry rack.” 
“Well the rough markings on this side as well as the blood seems to indicate that he pulled them from the bodies after they died.” I said. 
“The rough markings could just be where a pair of leather gloves rubbed against it. The victims might have given him the necklace and then he killed them, which would explain the blood.”
“That would explain why nothing was missing from the bodies, because it happened beforehand.” I replied.
“Well we need to find Francis, before this happens again. Does he have any places that he frequents?” Emily asked.
“Gracie said he often visits the factory, she said he likes watching the progress of it getting torn down.” Agent Hotchner.
A bit more of the two

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