Chapter Forty-three

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I connected Holly’s leash to her collar, walking her outside with me. I stood at a good distance from the police car, I didn’t really want to know who was laid lifeless not even 10 feet from my front porch. Holly ran around close to me, sniffing out the area. She kept trying to get close to Strauss’ team but I kept tugging her back. They were whispering, pointing awkwardly at something that I couldn’t see. One of the women pulled it up, revealing yet another note. She walked around the 3 men who were crowding the body, handing me the note.

“Just give it back to us after you’ve read it.” She demanded, cokcing her head to the side before storming off to the group.

I peeled back the seal, this one wasw halfway opened, to reveal another piece of yellow tinted paper.

This is the lAst note you will get, this one doesn’t have a threat. I’ve watChed you for far too long, I’m getting tired of them tagging along. I wish we had coffee, I joined this group to talK to you, I should’vE known they’d find out I wasn’t tRue. They SenT me heRe, lEt me makE one Thing very clear from this mess of a year. I didn’t want to hurt you, that was never my intent, I hope you can finally be content.” I mumbled. 

I put the letter back into the envelope, handing it to the guy who was stood directly over her body. I walked back inside to Spencer, immediately getting on my phone.

“Was there another note?”
“Yeah, I had to give it back to the other agents but there was something weird about this one.”

The random letters that were capatilized wasn’t an accidental mistake, especially since it was hand written. I sent the letters I could remember to Hotch and told him to send it to Strauss, “Tacker Street,” which could’ve been a few letters off, was what I could read.

“Tacker Street. The letters to spell that out were in the note. They were capitalized and I knew it couldn’t have been accident. The content of the note was pretty weird too.”

“What all do you remember? I know you just read it a couple seconds ago, but you’re pretty forgetful.”

Holly ran around my leg, trying her leash around it. I unclipped her leash, trying to recall what was written.

“This one didn’t seem like the boss had much say in it,” I said. “She said she joined the group to talk to me and she said that she never meant to hurt me.”
“I’m equally as confused. Do you think she knew about the security detail?”
“I mean, she had to right? She said she was a cop, didn’t she?”

“For the brief moment I saw her body, it didn’t look like she had a uniform on,” I said, making me a glass of wine. “Do you want a glass?”
“I’m okay. Holly seems pretty tired lately. I swear every time I see her she’s sleeping.”
“I don’t know why she’s been like that. I’ve noticed it too.”
“As dogs and other animals age, they start to gradually get more tired and aggressive, but she’s only 6 years old in human years right?”

“Yeah. Which would make her about–”
“42 in dog years.”
“I forget you’re really smart sometimes.” I joked, placing my glass in the sink.

I walked over to the couch where he was sitting, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“We should go out to dinner tomorrow. We have so much free time and I don’t know what to do with it.” I suggested, twirling his hands in mine.
“How about we go to a club instead?”

I leaned my head up, squinting my eyes at him.

“I’m sorry– what?” 
“We should go to a club tomorrow.”
“What did you do with my boyfriend? He would never suggest a club.” I questioned.
“Well he did.” He said, planting a kiss on my cheek.
“Yeah, we can go. I’m agreeing before you changed your mind.” I said.

We laid there together ont he couch for a moment before another firm knock hit the door, it was the woman who gave me the note.

“We’re done here. Do you mind giving us the other envelopes you’ve gotten? We think there could be something in them to push our investigation.”

I nodded, giving her the rest of the envelopes.

“Thank you. I thought you’d like to know that Chief Strauss told us about “Tacker Street” and we believe it could be another location of the boss. There’s only 3 houses on that road so maybe we’ll get lucky,” She said. “We’re close to wrapping this up, I can feel it.”

She walked off, putting the other envelopes in her purse. She was wearing heels and walking along my driveway made of rocks, more power to her I guess.

“Thank you.” I called, walking over to the couch again.

Holly had fallen asleep on the floor but had now moved over to her bed that was underneath the staircase. She had a little room underneath my staircase, but she rarely ever went in there anymore. She pawed at the dog door from inside, signalling she was gonna go to sleep. She did that to let me know where she went. I even added a bell on the inside right above the doggy door for her to ring. 

“We’ve had an eventful morning.”
“Yeah we have. So much for a break.” I groaned.
“At least part of this break has been fun.” he said.
“We’ve only been on break for 2 days and I already what to go back to work.” I replied.
“We all do.”
Some adorable moments to make up for everything!

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