Chapter Forty-five (Finale)

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A month had passed since we finally wrapped up the case and tommorow was Luke and Garcia’s engagement party. They didn’t really want one but Rossi was sold on giving them one. After the year we had, we deserved a party. Me and Spencer had been dating for over a year, and we hadn’t fought at all. The case affected us all, even if it was just about me, but we were all starting to get better. We weren’t gonna heal from this, none of us were, but there were still steps we could take.

We were all here for each other. Holly, my dog, had passed away not long after we finished the case, but I was doing better. We buried her in my backyard, Garcia was sold on all of us pitching in to make a nice resting area, and we did. Spencer and I were going suit shopping for the party. Everything we had was either ripped, stained, worn too often, or all three.

We both stuck to something simple, I got a black waistcoat, another white dress shirt, and a new pair of jeans. He got a black dress shirt, a blakc pair of dress pants, and a dark blue blazer. We already had shoes we were gonna wear, but we wanted to get thema gift. They asked for no gifts, but they a;ready knew we weren‘t gonna listen. We walked around some stores, trying to figure out what we wanted to get them. 

“They’re moving in together, right?” I asked, picking up a nice bottle of champagne.  
“Yeah, that’s what Garcia said.”

“We should get them some wine or champagne. That’s a normal engagement party gift and I know they’re gonna wanna celebrate on their own after the party.”

“Why not buy them both?”

We ended up buying both, and they were really expensive. It was fine, because we knew it wouldnb’t go to waste. We got home and we hung our suits on my bedroom door, setting the drinks on the kitchen counter. I wrapped my arms aroundhis neck, bringing his lips to mine.

“We finally get to relax. After so long of constantly looking over our shoulders, worried about if we were gonna get shot or not, we can finally relax.”
“Even better, I get to relax wiith you.” Spencer said, firmly gripping my waist.
“I love you.”

Im kissed his lips again, pulling the collar of his shirt.

“I love you too.”

The engagement party was at 4:00 pm, we got up at noon. 4 hours sounds like plenty of time, but not for me. I rolled out of bed, climbing into the bathroom to take a shower. It took me an hour to shower, most of that was to wake me up, and it took me another hour to eat breakfast. Spencer had tried to cook, but it didn’t work in his favor. Nothing burned down, thankfully. The venue Rossi picked was 30 minutes from my house, meaning I only had about another hour to get ready.

I walked past Holly’s water and food bowl, staring blankly at it for a few mionutes before running up the stairs to get dressed. It took me less time than I thought, but it took Spencer up until the last moment. We quickly grabbed the bottles, running downstairs to get into the car. We were the last two who pulled up to the venue, but we still managed to be a couple minutes early. We walked inside, placing the bottles down on the gift table. 

“Thanks for finally joinging guys.” Luke joked, hugging me and Spencer. “Thanks for the drinks, we’ll absolutely be using those later.”
“You better.” I replied, lightly punching his arm. 

We gave everyoner else hugs, we exsplained why we were late at least 6 times, but that didn’t matter. Not to me at least. We were all together, and alive, that’s what mattered. JJ brought Henry, though he was with Will most of the night. They hadn’t broken up long agp, and even though they separated, JJ still really cared for him. Emily had liked her for so long, I just wish she would do something about it. Rossi had brought 3 bottles of the scotch he had been obsessed with. He hated us using that word, but it was the only thing that makde any sense.

Spencer was showing Jack a magic trick, I’m not sure he really understood what was going on though. Hotch was having a drink with Morgan off to the side of Spencer and Jack. Garcia and Luke were dancing half drunkenly in the middle of the floor. There wasn’t an established dance floor buyout slowly, everyone started joinging the lovely couple in whatever weird upbeat pop song started playing. The music was very faint, apparently the speakers were broken, but it didn’t stop us from dancing.

The music got quieter as we got louder, but that was the fun of singling along. After we wore ourselves out from dancing, we made our way to the table to eat. All of the adults surrounded the biggest table, and the two kids pulled up the designated “children chairs” beside their parents. We all dug into the food, probably hacving a little too much to drink along with it. The food was cateered by the venue, and it was actually pretty good. Rossi paid for the premium package, like he always did whenever we all hung out, which came with a small cake too.

Everyone finished eating and even though most of us were stuffed from the food they brough out, we dug into the cake too. Finally we were happy. We were all happy.
I hope you enjoyed this <3

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