Chapter Twenty-one

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“Hello?” The lady replied.
“Hi, is Dr. Hayes still in the building?”
“Yes she is, who is this?”

“I'm an FBI agent. I need you to put the hospital on lockdown. Don’t ask any questions, I’m gonna call the DC police and they’re gonna set up roadblocks around the hospital.”

“Yes sir.”

The woman hung up, but not before I heard the hospital doors slam shut.

“We need to get to the hospital and set up roadblocks within a 4 mile radius of the hospital. She’s still there apparently, but it won’t be long before they leave.”

I alerted Hotch and he called SWAT, as well as the DC police to set up the road blocks. I was about to jump into the elevator, but I was pulled back by Hotch.

“I don’t want you going. Morgan is gonna bring Garcia and your sister back and you three are gonna stay here, but you're not coming with us.”
“This is not up for debate Jasper.”

He walked into the elevator, closing the doors before I had any time to protest. I walked over to my desk, pushing the books off of it. I slammed my head into my arms. I knew why he made me stay, but it pissed me off. I needed to be out there helping. They charged my father with accomplice to kidnapping as well as stalking, they estimated he’d get about 10-15 years, but it wasn’t enough. He helped with my mom and my sister’s kidnapping. It wasn’t enough. I picked back up my books, reorganizing them how I usually have them. As I was doing that, I realized there was a new book. One I’d never seen before or even heard about. I flipped through the pages before landing on the back cover, it was an address. Not any address, it was the address to my second house, the one I was going to give my mom and Holly once I finished the renovations. I hadn’t been out there in a while but there wasn’t much left to do, but the house itself was pretty secluded. The drive out there was terrible and some of the floorboards needed to be replaced. In the middle of my thinking, Morgan walked up to me, rubbing my shoulder.

“Pretty boy, why aren’t you with them?”

He called me and Reid “Pretty boy” interchangeably, but he never failed to make me smile with it, even though I knew it wasn’t a name he just called me.

“Hotch told me I had to stay. I get why but I need to be out there. I’m gonna lose my mind.”
“You're too dumb, it’s already gone. Most of it anyway.” Holly said, leaning against my desk.
“Can you be nice for two minutes?”
“No.” She smiled.

I rolled my eyes, laughing as she skipped off with Garcia to her office.

“Morgan, can we go check out my other house? This book was on my desk in the middle of my other books, but I've never seen nor heard about this book before. And when I flipped to the last page my second address was in it.”

“Before we do that, I want to talk about the other people in this group. This Theodore guy, Gabriella, and whoever the boss might be. I’ve never dealt with a case involving a group where only one member has something to sort out with a victim.”

“You think I know the other people in this group? Well, up until a couple hours ago I didn’t know Gabriella, at least not personally. She’s been my doctor for the past decade, she’s a great doctor. I don’t know anyone named Theodore, and I don’t know any old guys who have a problem with me.”

“It may not be a problem with you directly, “the boss” has kids, right? Your dad–”
“Micheal,” I corrected.
“Right. Micheal said the boss had a son your age, maybe you guys went to the same university. You went to University here in DC, didn’t you?”
“Yeah I did.”
“I’ll have Garcia check your university records for anyone with the initials “TJ” since that’s all we have to go off of.“

“Okay, that works. But what about Theodore? I don’t know anyone named Theodore, Ted, or anything else like that.”
“I’ll have her check with teachers at your high school and professors at your University.”
“Okay. Tell her and then we need to head to my other house.”

“Don’t be dumb. All I’m asking.”
“You're asking a lot of me, Morgan.”
A bit of a shorter chapter, but hope you enjoy <3
Forgot to upload this yesterday T^T

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